March 27, 2012


Indonesia may be importing more wheat grains 



Indonesia is expecting a 9% increase in wheat grain imports, from last year's 5.5 million tonnes to 6 million tonnes.


Australia supplied 66% of the country's total imports with the rest from the United States and Canada, the association of wheat flour producers said.


In the first quarter of this year, the country's imports of wheat flour are forecast to reach 1 million tonnes valued at US$320 million.


Executive director of the association Ratna Sari Loppies said the increase in imports is predicted with growing number of wheat flour producers in the country.


Ratna said the country has 18 wheat flour producers and four companies, known to be importers are expected to start producing wheat flour this year.


Currently the country has an annual production capacity of 300,000 tonnes of wheat flour.

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