March 19, 2013
ABCA launches yeast products in Asia at VIV
ABCA, a division of AB Agri Ltd of the Agricultural Group of Associated British Foods plc. (ABF), launched its yeast-based feed additives to the regional and international feed and livestock industry at VIV Asia 2013.
Taking advantage of well-established technology within ABF's food business divisions, ABCA works closely with AB Mauri, the world's second largest yeast producer and Ohly, the global leader in yeast extraction technology to develop and design applications for a range of effective and innovative animal feed solutions, each produced to food quality standards across Asia and the world.
ABCA introduced AB MOS with high levels of MOS and β-glucan for gut health; AB Zorba with a combination of yeast products and aluminosilicates for mycotoxin risk management; early nutrition product AB Yestex; and high potency Selenium yeast, AB Tor-Sel.
The ABCA business, headquartered in China, is developing across Asia through an expanding regional team offering extensive technical and distribution support.
James Charteris-Hough, managing director of ABCA, said, "ABCA is new to most people in Asia and while the business seeks to be recognised as a quality supplier of products and services, provided in a highly ethical way, we are not looking to become a mega marketing organisation. We hope we can build a high reputation within the industry in Asia and help deliver long term benefits through a personable approach to business."