March 15, 2024


Thai Union launches shrimp decarbonisation initiative for sustainable seafood



Thai Union Group, a global seafood leader, has unveiled a new initiative aimed at drastically reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within the shrimp supply chain, Newswit reported.


Developed in partnership with environmental organisation The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and Ahold Delhaize USA, the Shrimp Decarbonisation programme signifies a major advancement in promoting sustainable aquaculture practices.


The pilot programme sets out to produce 1,000 metric tonnes of processed shrimp with reduced environmental impact while upholding the highest quality standards. Under the supervision of Thai Union subsidiary Chicken of the Sea Frozen Foods, the shrimp will be meticulously traced from hatchery to final shipment.


This initiative underscores Thai Union's dedication to environmental stewardship and its ambition to lead the seafood industry towards a more sustainable future, aligning with its SBTi-approved goal of a 42% reduction in GHG emissions across its operations and supply chain.


Adam Brennan, chief sustainability officer at Thai Union, highlighted the collaborative effort with TNC to establish a model of shrimp production that is environmentally responsible and economically viable. The pilot programme for 2024 represents Thai Union's commitment to reducing carbon emissions and setting new sustainability standards in the seafood sector, aiming to inspire industry-wide transformation.


The programme prioritises on-farm investments to enhance efficiency, productivity, and sustainability. By optimising feed and farm practices, significant gains in productivity and reductions in emissions are anticipated.


Upon successful implementation of the pilot, Thai Union plans to expand these initiatives to other shrimp farms in Thailand and beyond. This broader adoption of sustainable practices will support farms in transitioning towards more environmentally friendly operations.


Ahold Delhaize USA, a major grocery retail group, is backing the programme, with two of its brands - Food Lion and Hannaford - committing to purchasing shrimp produced through the initiative.


Marc Stolzman, chief sustainability officer for Ahold Delhaize USA, emphasized the company's dedication to sustainability and responsible sourcing, viewing the Shrimp Decarbonisation initiative as a significant advancement in sustainable aquaculture.


Tailored intervention packages, including the installation of photovoltaic panels, will be rolled out in two phases across various farm types. These interventions are expected to substantially reduce GHG emissions, demonstrating the programme's potential for significant environmental impact.


-      Newswit

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