March 7, 2024


US turkey industry faces obstacles in adopting avian influenza vaccine



John Zimmerman, the chairman of the US National Turkey Federation, highlighted several challenges in implementing a high-path avian influenza vaccine in the country, including trade barriers, Brownfield Ag News reported.


Zimmerman said that while vaccination can be a proactive measure, it may trigger import bans from trading partners. Ensuring proper trade agreements are in place is crucial to prevent disruptions in turkey exports.


Logistical concerns also complicate the adoption of an avian influenza vaccine. Zimmerman notes that the proposed injectable vaccine would require administering to hundreds of thousands of turkeys, presenting logistical challenges for the industry. Efforts are ongoing to explore alternative vaccine strategies that are more feasible for large-scale implementation.


Moreover, Zimmerman highlights the dynamic nature of the influenza virus, which could render a current vaccine ineffective if the strain mutates. This results in the need for ongoing research and vigilance in developing adaptable vaccination strategies to combat avian influenza effectively.


-      Brownfield Ag News

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