March 7, 2011
Grain importers build silos as food prices soar
Major grain importing countries are set to build more storage silos and expand strategic stocks after seeing the role played by record food prices in political upheavals in the Middle East and North Africa.
Egypt, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia are among nations which have already unveiled strategic plans as grain markets adjust to the prospect of further supply crunches over the next few years.
Global demand for grain has risen steadily as consumers in emerging economies grow richer and suppliers have struggled to overcome erratic climatic conditions. This included last year's Russian drought and heavy rains in Australia.
The upshot has been a near-60% surge in key US wheat prices in the year to March, while global food prices as measured by the UN hit their second straight record high in February.
Importers also no longer have the safety net of large stocks held by exporters such as the EU, which has sold off the grain stocks it first accumulated in the 1980s and moved to more market-oriented policies.
Nomani Nomani, vice chairman of the General Authority for Supply Commodities (GASC) in top wheat exporter Egypt, said in February that the country was looking to improve and boost storage capacities.
"We have a long-term plan to improve storage capacity in Egypt and to build a network of silos that would allow GASC to purchase at the suitable time. We are also seeking to improve the performance of storage," he said.
South Korea, the world's fourth-largest grain importer, is also among those building a strategic grain reserve, while another major importer, Saudi Arabia, hopes to double wheat reserves within three years.
International Grains Council figures issued last week show a major shift in stocks from exporting to importing countries.
Major exporters are expected to be holding 104.5 million tonnenes of grain by the end of the current 2010-11 season or 30.6 % of the global total. A year earlier they had held 163.5 million or 40.5%, according to IGC figures.
"Now there is no longer this strategic stock in exporting countries so they (importers) need to reinvest for obvious food security reasons," said Lars Hoelgaard, special adviser to the European Commission's DG Agriculture and Rural Development.
China is expected to hold 114.6 million tonnenes of grain by the end of 2010-11, more than the combined total of 104.5 million tonnenes held by all the major exporters, according to IGC estimates.
Mexico, the world's second-largest maize importer, has not yet expanded its stocks but has plenty of space if necessary. The country's corn stocks currently total around two million tonnenes, little changed from previous years, but the national association of warehouses (AAGEDE) estimates there is storage space for about 11 million tonnenes.
AAGEDE director Raul Millan said there is no deficit in storage space but that infrastructure is lacking in the southern part of the country where warehouses are not as well equipped.
Mexico has no strategic reserves of grain, although there are some stocks held by the government to hand out to the poor.