February 29, 2024
Resolution opposes US rule that allows import of Paraguayan beef
A US congressman has last week introduced a resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to oppose the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service's (APHIS) "Importation of Fresh Beef From Paraguay" final rule.
According to congressman Ronny Jackson, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) made the decision in November 2023 to begin allowing the import of fresh Paraguayan beef, using risk assessment data from site visits to the country from over 10 years ago. These outdated risk assessments, Jackson argued, put the US beef, pork and sheep industries at risk of foreign animal disease such as foot and mouth disease (FMD), which Paraguay has a long history of in their beef herds.
"Congress must prevent this unsafe rule from moving forward to protect the livelihoods of America's farmers and ranchers," Jackson remarked. "This dangerous rule, based off decade-old data, is another example of the (US President Joe) Biden administration failing to understand the needs of America's agriculture producers, and further demonstrates their lack of insight and care for the industry. I am proud to lead this CRA to prohibit the importation of risky Paraguayan beef alongside colleagues from both sides of the aisle, who know how vital it is to protect US cattle producers from devastating foreign animal disease outbreaks."
Agriculture groups welcomes Jackson for his action. Jackson's CRA is supported by the American Farm Bureau Federation, National Cattlemen's Beef Association, R-CALF USA, US Cattlemen's Association, the Livestock Marketing Association, Texas Cattle Feeders Association and Texas Farm Bureau.
Kent Bacus, executive director of government affairs at National Cattlemen's Beef Association, said: "Paraguay's history of foot-and-mouth disease is not something we take lightly and importing beef from Paraguay is just too risky. The United States has some of the highest food safety and animal health standards in the world, and any country that wishes to trade with the United States must demonstrate that they can meet our standards. We need USDA to verify Paraguay's paper claims of safety with current, on-the-ground site visits that confirm Paraguay can provide an equivalent level of safety for animal health."
- Beef