February 28, 2024


Poland's pig inventory rose by 1.5% in December last year




Poland's pig inventory in December 2023 was 9769.7 thousand, an increase of 1.5% compared to the same period last year, according to preliminary data.


A decrease in the pig inventory occurred in one group of pigs, specifically, pigs for slaughter (-2.1%). Compared to Poland's pig herd in June 2023, there were 333,000 more heads (+3.5%).


Compared to December 2022, the herd of sows for slaughter increased by 70.7 thousand head (+11.9%) to 663.3 thousand head, of which the inventory of gestating sows increased by 51.7 thousand head (+12.8%) to 456.5 thousand head.


Compared to June 2023, Poland's number of breeding sows increased by 72.7 thousand head (+12.3%), including gestating sows, up by 34.6 thousand head (+8.2%.)


In the structure of Poland's entire swine herd, the share of each production and use group in December 2023 was:


    - Piglets weighing up to 20kg, 20.5%;


    - Piglets weighing 20-50kg, 29.0%;


    - Pigs weighing 50kg and over, for slaughter, 43.5%;


    - Pigs weighing 50kg or more, for breeding, 6.9%, (including sows for total rearing, 6.8%, including farrowing sows, 4.7%).


Compared with Poland's pig population structure registered at the start of December 2022, the share of piglets last year increased (by 0.9%), sows for rearing by 0.6%, pigs for breeding (by 0.6%) and gestating sows (0.5%).


However, the share of pigs for slaughter decreased (by 1.6%) and the share of piglets was the same as in the corresponding period.


From January-November 2023 (according to preliminary data), imports of live pigs totaled 6851,700 head, 6.7% higher than in the same period a year ago, of which imports of piglets and growers increased by 9.0%. The average weight of one imported head during the period was 33.7kg, compared to 35.5kg in 2022.


The biggest shares of Poland's pig population were held by the provinces of Wielkopolska (28.7%), Mazowieckie (13.6%), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (10.4%), Łódzkie (10.3%) and Pomorskie (8.3%).


The provinces with the smallest shares were Lubuskie (1.0%), Podkarpackie (1.0%) and Małopolskie (1.3%).



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