February 27, 2018


VICTAM - Asia's largest feed and grain event to be held next month


Press release


VICTAM Asia 2018 will be held from March 27 - 29, 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand.



The exhibition and conferences will be held once again at the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) in Bangkok, Thailand. VICTAM Asia is firmly established as the event dedicated to the animal feed processing, grain processing, ingredients & additives, aqua feed and pet food industries within Asia. The last edition in 2016 was sold out.


The VICTAM exhibitions display the latest technology, ingredients and additives available to manufacture and process feed for animals, pets and aquatics, together with a wide range of necessary ancillary equipment - silos, conveyors, bagging, elevators, etc. The exhibitions also showpiece the newest equipment for grain, rice and flour milling.


Co-located with VICTAM Asia are a series of high quality industry conferences: Petfood Forum Asia 2018, Aquafeed Horizons Asia 2018, FIAAP Animal Nutrition Conference Asia 2018, GRAPAS and Global Milling Conference Asia 2018, Proagrica Feed Efficiency Conference 2018, a GMP+ seminar and the World Feed Perspectives Seminar. Exhibitors will also be given the opportunity to present technical seminars. For detailed information please visit www.victam-asia.com or you can register directly for the exhibition and conferences via our website: https://victamasia.com/registration.


New features at VICTAM Asia 2018 include a business matchmaking program and the VICTAM newsroom. The matchmaking program focusses on high quality meetings and will consist of a combination of an online tool, which allows exhibitors and visitors to plan their appointments very efficiently and a personal approach by our matchmaking consultants. They will help exhibitors and visitors get the most out of the program and will support in finding their match.


The other new feature is the VICTAM News Room. The VICTAM newsroom will report semi-live from the show floor to allow those that can't attend to still be part of the action. Furthermore, speakers, visitors and exhibitors will be interviewed about their expertise and the news crew will make running reports about the event through Victam's social media channels.


We are proud to have the support of the following organisations:

·       The Feedstuff Users Promotion Association


·       Thai Feed Mill Association

·       The Animal Husbandry Association of Thailand

·       Animal Health Products Association

·       Department of Fisheries

·       Ministry of Industry

·       The Thai Chamber of Commerce

·       Department of livestock development 

·       Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau


Upcoming events:

The next event organised by Victam International BV after VICTAM Asia 2018 is VICTAM International 2019 from June 12 - 14, 2019 in Cologne, Germany. Please find more information about our events at www.victam.com or by contacting Victam International BV directly.

We look forward to meeting you in Bangkok, Thailand, in March 2018!

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