February 23, 2015


Indonesian firm CP Prima to build US$31-million feedstock plant



Indonesian firm Central Proteinaprima (CP Prima) -- a listed poultry, fish and shrimp feedstock producer--has allocated a capital expenditure of Rp400 billion (US$31 million) this year to build a new feedstock and processed-food plant in East Java.


The feedstock plant, with an annual capacity of 40,000 metric tonnes, is projected to open before the year ends, George Basuki, head of corporate communications, said on Monday.


Basuki added that the company, which accounts for over half of Indonesia's fish feedstock market according to estimates, is also conducting a study for the shrimp-based processed-food plant.


CP Prima registered sales of Rp6.8 trillion ($525.7 million) during the first nine months of 2014, up 26% from Rp5.4 trillion ($417.3 million) in the same period the previous year, as the company recovered from the early mortality syndrome, or EMS, that had decimated its farms' shrimp populations since 2012.

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