February 13, 2020
Kansas State University research shows link between swine virus and feed
Kansas State University's College of Veterinary Medicine found that livestock feed is an important factor in the spread of swine fever virus, reported The Hutchinson News.
Scott Dee, Pipeline Veterinary Services, Minnesota with K-State researchers, led by Megan Niedwerder, professor of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology published the classical swine fever virus report and pseudorabies virus stability in feed ingredients.
Dee said the virus becomes more viable in contaminated feed and through swine consuming infected feed over time.
While the United States is free from both classical swine fever and African swine fever (ASF), Niederwerder said there are concerns over the import of feed ingredients that can possibly be the source for animal disease entering the country.
Scott said that the United States imports plenty of agricultural product from China such as soy-based materials, and the research has showed that pseudorabies virus can live in soy-based products.
According to the study, both viruses are able to stay alive throughout the entire 37-day model, but the viral load in the feed will decrease over time. Niederwerder said it depends on the methods used to produce the feed, adding that China dries grains on roadways.
Niederwerder said nine of the 12 tested ingredients had pseudorabies virus. These include conventional and organic soybean meal, lysine, choline, vitamin D, moist cat and dog food, dry dog food, and pork sausage. Conventional soybean meal and pork sausage casings also harboured the classical swine fever virus.
Strict biosecurity and investigations into the manufacturing source of the feed are crucial for virus prevention.
K-State's Biosecurity Research Institute conducted the research together with other universities (Cornell University and Lincoln Memorial University) and industry contributors (Pipestone Veterinary Services).
- The Hutchinson News