Fefac updates hygiene rules for medicated feeds
The European Feed Manufacturers' Federation (FEFAC) has introduced in its guide further hygiene provisions for the manufacturing and delivery of medicated feed for livestock.
The new section deals with the role of veterinarians in the prescription and supervision of medicated feed manufacturing, as well as measures to minimise the carryover from medicated feed to non-target feed.
The new chapter providing detailed guidance on HACCP implementation takes into account conclusions of the joint Fefeac/Copa-Cocega feed safety workshop conducted with the support of the European Commission and the EP in February 2009.
This updated version of the guide received the final positive assessment of the EU Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health at its meeting on November 23-24, 2009.
The guide has become the cornerstone of any modern, risk-based feed safety assurance system implemented at company level. More than 20 national member associations have adopted it as a key reference for the national feed safety assurance system.