January 26, 2012
Rise in low nutritious feed consumption for Russia
It has been reported that there was a rise in low nutritious poultry feed consumption within Russia for 2011.
According to market analysis, at the end of 2011, 35% of the poultry industry's compound feed was low nutritious feed; in 2010, low nutritious feed represented only 23% of the total compound feed consumed.
Experts say this trend is the result of increasing cost of raw materials for laying hen and broiler feed.
Poultry producers now face choices between maximizing productivity or maximizing efficiency.
Additional complications stem from the gastrointestinal stress poultry experience when feed volume is increased, making it difficult to cut production process costs.
Presently, many producers see low nutritious compound feed as the best opportunity to solve all these problems.
Balanced compound feed with low levels of nutrients in greater volumes could provide just the same level of egg production and weight gain as a compound feed of normal composition.
Reducing nutrient levels in feed leads to a decrease in prices and increase in conversion.
However, the first point is working much faster than the second, so the costs are ultimately declining.
The usage of such feed will let the producer decrease the cost of production process by 15-20%.
In terms of quantity, more feed is needed, but even with an increase in units consumed, such method of feeding makes poultry production more profitable.
Low nutritious compound feed in 2010, was mainly being used by small and medium-sized producers. Last year, many large poultry farms also started purchasing these feeds, in their search to optimize the production process in tightening market competition conditions.