January 26, 2010


Western Australia gets approval for GM canola cultivation



The Premier and Agriculture Minister of Western Australia announced Monday (Jan 25) that GM canola could be grown from this year onwards.


Australia's strict regulations for gene technology research and resulting products help ensure human health and environmental safety. Where new GM approved varieties are adopted, the industry supply chain uses its established protocols and procedures to deliver product to market specification.


Rod Birch, a farmer and National Convenor of the grassroots farm body, the Producers Forum said this decision will put Western Australia back to the top of the list of efficient, competitive and sustainable agricultural producers.


Birch said this is a logical and progressive policy, as key competitors in Canada have had GM canola for 14 years while the Australian states of Victoria and New South Wales had planted GM canola for two years.


This decision will give Western Australian farmers another tool in their cropping management kit, and GM canola varieties will provide an effective and efficient alternative weed control system, he said.


John Snooke, Western Australia coordinator of the Producers Forum said on 50,000 Canadian farms, more than 95% of the canola grown is GM varieties, and Canadian farmers are reaping the benefits of better weed control, less and safer herbicides, less tillage, less diesel use, and higher yields and profits.

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