January 21, 2008
EU: Fefana announces launching of feed additives web page
Fefana, the EU Feed Additives and Premixtures Association, has added new informative web pages on feed additives to their website.
The information will be about feed additives authorisation consortia the European Economic Interest Groupings (EEIGs)), describing scope, object and membership.
There is also a Questions and Answers Sheet regarding the establishment of consortia for the re-evaluation of feed additives as well as a list of members for each consortium.
The information has been developed with the aim of providing information for visitors on the different Feed Additives Authorisation Consortia created so far by Fefana:
- AMAC - Amino Acids Authorisation Consortium
- CARAC - Carotenoids Authorisation Consortium
- FFAC - Feed Flavouring Authorisation Consortium
- TREAC - Trace Elements Authorisation Consortium
- VITAC - Vitamin Authorisation Consortium.
FEFANA Asbl is the EU Association of feed additives and premixtures operators. It was established on October 13th, 2004 and is the new juridical form of the feed additives producers association that was founded in 1963. The association is the interface between the feed additives industry and the European Union authorities, including Member States authorities, in order to promote, safeguard and defend common and general interests of the industry.