January 20, 2020
China approves Russian beef import sources
Russia's agriculture safety watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor said the approvals come after years of talks and is unrelated to the African swine fever (ASF) outbreak in China, reported Reuters.
Two Russian beef suppliers, Bryansk meat company (part of privately held group Miratorg) and Zarechnoe, another privately-held company have been approved for export to China beginning January 24, 2020.
Yuliya Melano, Rosselkhoznadzor representative said China's decision to approve Russian beef suppliers come after years of discussion and has nothing to do with the ASF outbreak in China.
China has approved additional meat sources globally to supplement dwindling supplies of pork caused by ASF in the country.
In September 2019, Russia's agriculture ministry said it hoped China will approve beef and pork sources from China within one year.
The new beef agreement between China and Russia comes after Russia's agriculture safety watchdog announced a warning to limit fodder and fish supplies from China temporarily.
Talks to approve Russian swine sources for export to China is still in process.
- Reuters