January 19, 2015


Monsanto's GMO crops: USDA ready but critics, China reluctant




Monsanto has received final approval from the USDA for herbicide-tolerant crops to be used with a new herbicide the company says will fight weed resistance, but critics think otherwise, Reuters reports.


The USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) have granted the genetically modified soybean and cotton crops "non-regulated" status. However, Monsanto is still waiting for final approval from the Environmental Protection Agency for the herbicide to be used with the crops.


The company is also awaiting approval from Chinese regulators, who have shown reluctance in approving imports of new GMO crops, to allow imports of the new soybean.


Monsanto chief technology officer Robb Fraley have said the company expects to have Chinese approval in time for a commercial launch in 2016.


The company's new herbicide has drawn strong opposition from many consumer, environmental and farmer groups who said using more herbicides on weeds will only increase weed resistance over the long term. Increased herbicide use also brings increased risks of health problems and environmental pollution, they said.


Gary Ruskin, executive director of US Right to Know, a food issue research group, said, "This is just the latest in an endless string of favours from our federal government to Monsanto."

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