January 17, 2024
Aviagen to mark 70 years at IPPE in Georgia, US
Aviagen® will be celebrating 70 consecutive years of engaging with the global poultry industry at the International Production and Processing Exhibition (IPPE), which will take place from January 30 to February 1 in Atlanta, Georgia, the United States.
The company will be recognised for this milestone at the Chairman's Reception, hosted by show organizer USPOULTRY, on January 29.
Aviagen's show theme is "Breeding Success Together," which captures its commitment to fostering collaboration among stakeholders in the global poultry supply chain. Their collective aim is to provide a secure, sustainable and nutritious protein source for communities worldwide.
Aviagen global representatives will be on hand at booth B7033 to welcome customers and visitors, discussing the company's balanced breeding progress that simultaneously promotes bird welfare and performance, along with environmental sustainability.
On January 30, Sergio Guerra, global head of technical systems, will offer his insight on the topic, "From raw data to rich insights: Mastering data management in poultry."
"To achieve the highest level of breeding success for the global industry, we must not only farm chickens but also data," said Guerra. "The capture of data and its analysis enables us to understand the cause and effect of different management practices in our poultry production."
During IPPE, the Aviagen team will take various opportunities to engage with university students and discuss the rewarding career prospects within Aviagen and the broader poultry industry.
Aviagen chief executive officer Jan Henriksen said: "Each year, IPPE holds a significant spot on our Aviagen calendar. It represents a chance to connect with our global poultry community and exchange innovative ideas on ways to strengthen food safety and security, all while continually improving bird welfare."
- Aviagen