January 14, 2008
Argentina corn crop hit by dryness, heat
Argentina's young corn crop continues to suffer from limited moisture and high temperatures, complicating a recovery from frosts in November, the Agriculture Secretariat said in its weekly crop report Friday.
In Cordoba, a central province where almost half of Argentina's corn crop is usually grown, dryness and high temperatures have kept the crop from developing under optimum conditions. The fields affected by the frosts like in the district of Marcos Juarez "are not recovering well ... and the yields from these fields will be severely affected," the secretariat said.
"It is not a good year for the crop in Marcos Juarez," it added.
The poor conditions are leading some farmers in northern fields of Marcos Juarez to turn fields planned for corn over to other crops or to grazing land. In total, 30 percent of the district's corn fields are developing well or very well thanks to good soil or the use of technology and the rotation of crops, the report said.
As of Jan. 10, farmers had planted 93 percent of the 4 million hectares seen going to corn this season, four percentage points behind the planting pace on the same date last year, according to the secretariat.
Argentina's farmers have planted 94 percent of the record 16.6 million hectares seen going to soy this season, three percentage points behind the planting pace at this time last year, according to the secretariat.
Dry weather, high temperatures and winds and hail have hit the crop in Cordoba, with some crops showing the first signs of stress from dryness, the secretariat said.
However, the crop is developing normally in Buenos Aires province, with recent showers helping.
Rainfall is expected to help farmers complete planting in districts of Santa Fe province, while in other areas showers are needed to help crops develop.
The 2007-08 wheat harvest moved ahead briskly, helped by dry weather and an ample availability of harvesters, particularly in the provinces of Buenos Aires and La Pampa. Yields are improving from lower levels in some southern areas that were affected by frosts in November. High yields in other areas will compensate for the losses, the secretariat said.
As of Jan. 10, farmers had harvested 97 percent of the 2007-08 wheat crop, three percentage points behind the harvest pace last season.
The crop is recovering from the frost, yet with sporadic results.
In its most recent monthly crop report, the secretariat left its forecast for this season's production at 15.4 million tonnes.
As of Jan. 10, farmers had planted 99 percent of the 2.6 million hectares seen going to sunseed this season, one percentage point behind the planting pace at this time last year.
Argentina has increased its planting of soy and corn while wheat plantings remained relatively stable.
Argentina's historical grain production estimate (million tonnes)
Wheat |
Soy |
Corn |
Sunseed |
Jul-06 |
14.6 |
47.6 |
21.8 |
3.6 |
Jun-05 |
12.6 |
40.5 |
14.5 |
3.8 |
May-04 |
16 |
38.3 |
20.5 |
3.7 |
Apr-03 |
14.6 |
31.6 |
15 |
3.1 |
Mar-02 |
12.3 |
35 |
14.7 |
3.4 |
Source: Agriculture Secretariat