January 4, 2006


USDA: China fishery products annual 2005



China's aquatic production continues to grow and is estimated to reach 51 million metric tons (MMT) during 2005, up by four percent from 2004. This growth rate is expected to continue into 2006. 


Growing domestic consumption as a result of increased disposable incomes, together with strong exports, is driving expansion of the aquaculture sector. This sector accounted for 67 percent of China's total aquatic production in 2005. Freshwater and seawater culture production both increased by 6.6 percent and 5.5 percent, respectively, in 2004, and will both grow in 2005. 


Catch production remains stagnant, despite moderate catch production in public seawater. The production growth rate is expected to slow because of constraints of further expansion of culture area and environmental concerns, coupled with an unlikely recovery of sea catch in China's intra-coastal waters.


Despite a slight drop in consumption in 2004 due to increased prices, per capita consumption of aquatic products is expected to rise in 2005 because of increased incomes and a forecast reduction in poultry product consumption due to outbreaks of avian influenza. 


China's aquatic products trade outlook is especially strong. The trade surplus is estimated to exceed $4 billion for 2005, with imports valued at about $3.5 billion, and exports at $8 billion. The strong trade is attributed to the rapid expansion of "processing trade", in addition to surged exports of cultured products. 


For the full USDA report, click here.

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