Friday, July 13, 2007
ADSA reveals new studies on Lallemand's rumen specific yeast Levucell SC (Press release)
July 13, 2007 ADSA reveals new studies on Lallemand's rumen specific yeast Levucell SC   Press release   Two new studies on Lallemand's rumen specific yeast (CNCM I-1077) were presented during the recent annual meeting of the American Dairy ...
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Lallemand hosts international Selenium Yeast Seminar in Denmark (Press release)
July 10, 2007 Lallemand hosts international Selenium Yeast Seminar in Denmark   Press release   To mark the official EU authorisation of Lallemand's ALKOSEL R397, the company recently hosted an international Selenium Yeast Seminar in Grenaa ...
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Probiotic yeast in small ruminants: Big effects!
This article presents recent evidences of the action of probiotic yeast in dairy goats and ewes, showing benefits to both performance and health of dairy small ruminants.
Monday, June 11, 2007
EU authorises Lallemand's selenium yeast ALKOSEL R397 (Press release)
June 11, 2007 EU authorises Lallemand's selenium yeast ALKOSEL R397   Press release   Official Journal of the European Union has published the EU's authorisation of ALKOSEL R397, Lallemand's organic selenium yeast product based on the speci ...
Friday, October 27, 2006
Lallemand's yeast production site in Vienna awarded FAMI-QS certificate (Press release)
October 27, 2006 Lallemand's yeast production site in Vienna awarded FAMI-QS certificate   Press release   Lallemand has announced that its Austrian yeast production plant, located near Vienna, has received FAMI-QS (Feed Additives and Premi ...
Monday, August 28, 2006
Preventing rumen acidosis with live yeast
The impact of life yeast supplementation on rumen pH and feeding patterns were investigated in a study replicating the "real-life" conditions of dairy cattle.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Alltech unveils world's largest yeast facility
September 15, 2005 Alltech unveils world's largest yeast facility Alltech has put its "Thinking globally, acting locally" mantra into practice again by entering into a joint venture with a sugar plant company, Vale do Ivai, Parana, Brazil. ...
Thursday, August 12, 2004
Study Of Yeast As Bird Flu Treatment In Thailand
August 12, 2004 Study Of Yeast As Bird Flu Treatment In Thailand Thailand's Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Somsak Thepsuthin yesterday revealed that he had ordered the Department of Livestock Development to study the feasibility of u ...
Monday, July 5, 2004
New US Yeast Strain To Improve Ethanol Production
July 5, 2004 New US Yeast Strain To Improve Ethanol Production Biotechnology firm Iogen Corp. has obtained the license for a new strain of genetically modified yeast, developed at Purdue University, that more effectively makes ethanol from ...

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