Thursday, January 14, 2010
Research finds yeast in beef rations boosts growth
January 14, 2010 Research finds yeast in beef rations boosts growth A new research has concluded that adding yeast to beef rations could boost growth by up to 8% per day. Data by KW Feeds found Limousin-cross heifer and steers fed a corn si ...
Monday, December 7, 2009
Yeast trial to remove odours gains positive reviews in Vietnam's pig farms
December 7, 2009 Yeast trial to remove odours gains positive reviews in Vietnam's pig farms     Swine farmers in northern provinces of Vietnam are trying the use of micro-organism yeast where it has reportedly removed some of the unpleasant ...
Friday, November 6, 2009
Population diversity of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria in pig feed fermented with whey, wet wheat distillers' grains, or water at different temperatures
This article discusses about the demonstration of the species composition in fermented pig feed that may vary considerably even if viable cell count indicate stable microbial populations.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Lallemand closes Lake States Yeast acquisition
August 6, 2009 Lallemand closes Lake States Yeast acquisition  Lallemand Inc. has acquired the Lake States Yeast Division from Wausau Paper Group, Rhinelander, Wisconsin, US. Lake States Yeast produces inactivated torula yeast. It will oper ...
Monday, July 13, 2009
LeSaffre's selenium yeast gains EU approval
July 13, 2009 LeSaffre's selenium yeast gains EU approval LeSaffre Feed Additives has gained approval for use of its Selsaf selenium enriched yeast as a nutritional feed additive in the EU. After having received approval by EFSA for safety ...
Monday, March 9, 2009
Protecting stored feed against moulds and yeasts
March 9, 2009 Protecting stored feed against moulds and yeasts A new research on Formycine Gold Px shows a sharp reduction in the progression of contamination of E. Coli mould and yeast up to 42 days after the pelleting process. Reducing pa ...
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Use of inactivated yeasts cells in finishing steers
This article discusses the use of inactivated yeast cells in finishing steers.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Milk yield and milk composition of dairy cows fed with inactivated yeasts
This article discusses the impact of feeding yeasts to dairy cows.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Lallemand: FDA allows functionality claim for live yeast in ruminant feed (Press release)
March 26, 2008 Lallemand: FDA allows functionality claim for live yeast in ruminant feed Press release The Center for Veterinary Medicine of the FDA has agreed to allow an important functionality claim for live yeast applied in ruminant fee ...
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Canada approves Lallemand 's yeast additive for cows
January 16, 2008 Canada approves Lallemand 's yeast additive for cows Lallemand Animal Nutrition of Milwaukee was approval to use Levucell SC, a yeast additive, in Canadian beef cattle. Furthermore, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA ...
Monday, December 24, 2007
Netherlands researches effect of yeast and MOS in pigs
December 24, 2007 Netherlands researches effect of yeast and MOS in pigs The Animal Sciences Group from Wageningen University in Netherlands experimented on the effects of yeast culture (XPCLS) and yeast culture XPCLS plus mannan oligosacch ...
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Lallemand acquires Grenaa's yeast plant from V&S Distillers (Press release)
November 20, 2007 Lallemand acquires Grenaa's yeast plant from V&S Distillers Press release Lallemand announces the recent acquisition of Grenaa's yeast and molasses alcohol factory, in Denmark, from V&S Distillers, leader of the Northern E ...
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
The role of selenium yeast in ruminants
This article stresses the importance of organic selenium supplementation in ruminants, and describes trials that document its effects on various aspects of cow performance.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Selenium yeast in poultry production
This article describes several studies comparing the effect of selenium yeast with that of selenite on poultry performance.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Benefits of selenium yeast in pig production
This article describes various trials studying the effect of selenium yeast on meat selenium content in pig production, compared with using sodium selenite.

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