Thursday, July 5, 2007
Iran to emerge as world's major wheat exporter
July 5, 2007 Iran to emerge as world's major wheat exporter Iran is to become one of the world's wheat exporting countries by exporting two million tonnes of the product in the current Iranian year (started March 21), predicted the country' ...
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
World wheat supplies seen to remain tight amid boost in production
June 12, 2007 World wheat supplies seen to remain tight amid boost in production The world wheat market is projected to remain tight in 2007/08 despite a a foreseen significant improvement in production while global consumption is projected ...
Thursday, April 26, 2007
US Wheat Review on Wednesday: Soars on speculative buying, world supply fears
April 26, 2007 US Wheat Review on Wednesday: Soars on speculative buying, world supply fears U.S. wheat futures surged higher Wednesday, with Chicago wheat the upside leader, as speculative fund buying energized the market amid fears of tig ...
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Deadly black rust threatens world's wheat production
April 11, 2007 Deadly black rust threatens world's wheat production   One of the fathers of the "green revolution," the Nobel laureate Norman Borlaug, warns that a virulent new strain of black rust poses a major threat to global production ...
Friday, March 30, 2007
Worldwide shortfall of wheat imminent
March 30, 2007 Worldwide shortfall of wheat imminent    Analysts forecast a huge shortfall of wheat which could affect worldwide supplies due to the increasing unsteadiness and low production of world wheat output. World wheat stocks curren ...
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Grain World 2007: World wheat output to climb in 2007/08
February 28, 2007 Grain World 2007: World wheat output to climb in 2007/08 Rising acreage in major wheat-producing countries combined with good growing conditions should result in world wheat output climbing in 2007-08, an analyst said Mond ...
Friday, February 23, 2007
IGC sees 2007/08 world wheat output at 624 million tonnes
February 23, 2007 IGC sees 2007/08 world wheat output at 624 million tonnes The International Grain Council (IGC) now forecasts 2007/08 world wheat output at 624 million tonnes, which is up 3 million tonnes from last month's projection. Thi ...
Monday, November 27, 2006
IGC ups 2006/07 world wheat output by 2 million tonnes on month
November 27, 2006 IGC ups 2006/07 world wheat output by 2 million tonnes on month The International Grains Council (IGC) Thursday (Nov 23) forecasts 2006/07 world wheat output at 587 million tonnes, an increase of 2 million tonnes from last ...
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
US wheat export faces challenges worldwide
November 8, 2006 US wheat export faces challenges worldwide   The US wheat industry continues to face challenges on quality and disease issues in spite of a recent boost from Australia's drought. A case in point is its wheat export to India ...
Friday, October 27, 2006
IGC trims world 2006/07 wheat output to 585.2 million tonnes
October 27, 2006 IGC trims world 2006/07 wheat output to 585.2 million tonnes The International Grains Council (IGC) lowers its forecasts of 2006/07 world wheat output to 585.2 million tonnes, a drop of 2.4 million tonnes from last month's ...
Friday, September 29, 2006
IGC cuts 2006/07 world wheat crop estimate to 588 million tonnes
September 29, 2006 IGC cuts 2006/07 world wheat crop estimate to 588 million tonnes The International Grains Council (IGC) now forecasts 2006/07 world wheat output at 588 million tonnes, a drop of 5 million tonnes from last month's forecast ...
Friday, September 8, 2006
US Wheat Review on Thursday: Up; Recovers on tech buys, world crop lssues
September 8, 2006 US Wheat Review on Thursday: Up; Recovers on tech buys, world crop lssues U.S. wheat futures ended higher across the board Thursday, recovering from Wednesday's declines, with spillover strength from corn and world supply ...
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
IGC lowers world wheat crop projections
August 29, 2006 IGC lowers world wheat crop projections The International Grains Council (IGC) has again lowered its world wheat crop production for 2006-2007 by 3 million tonnes. Production is now expected at 593 millions tonnes. This woul ...
Friday, August 25, 2006
US Wheat Review on Thursday: End up on tech buys, world supply concerns
August 25, 2006 US Wheat Review on Thursday: End up on tech buys, world supply concerns U.S. wheat futures ended Thursday's session posting solid gains on world supply concerns and technically motivated buying, continuing their rebound from ...
Monday, July 17, 2006
World wheat trade up
July 17, 2006 World wheat trade up For 2006/07 world wheat trade prospects increased 0.7 million tonnes to 111.3 million with increased imports for Brazil, Turkey, and other countries, according to the USDA's World Agricultural Supply and D ...

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