Friday, June 30, 2006
IGC raises world 2006/07 wheat, corn ending stocks
June 30, 2006 IGC raises world 2006/07 wheat, corn ending stocks The International Grains Council (IGC) raised its 2006/07 world ending stocks estimates for both wheat and corn Thursday (Jun 29). Wheat The world wheat carryout forecast was ...
Friday, May 26, 2006
IGC ups world 2006/07 wheat output to 600.5 million tonnes
May 26, 2006 IGC ups world 2006/07 wheat output to 600.5 million tonnes The International Grains Council (IGC) estimates 2006/07 world wheat production at 600.5 million tonnes, up 2.6 million tonnes from April's estimate. This figure is sti ...
Friday, April 28, 2006
IGC ups world 2005/06 wheat output forecast to 619.3 million tonnes
April 28, 2006 IGC ups world 2005/06 wheat output forecast to 619.3 million tonnes The International Grains Council (IGC) now estimates 2005/06 world wheat output at 619.3 million tonnes, up from the previous month's estimate of 616.5 milli ...
Friday, January 27, 2006
IGC raises world wheat and corn production estimates
January 27, 2006 IGC raises world wheat and corn production estimates The International Grains Council (IGC) has estimated 2005/06 world wheat production at 615 million tonnes, an increase of 4 million tonnes. IGC raised their estimate of w ...
Friday, January 27, 2006
IGC raises 2005/06 world corn, wheat ending stocks forecasts
January 27, 2006 IGC raises 2005/06 world corn, wheat ending stocks forecasts The International Grains Council raised its 2005-06 world ending stocks forecasts for both wheat and corn Thursday. IGC now forecasts 2005/06 world wheat ending s ...
Thursday, December 15, 2005
World wheat prices seen bearish short term
December 15, 2005 World wheat prices seen bearish short term   The world wheat market is expected to remain under pressure for the remainder of the 2005-06 (July-June) marketing year due to plentiful stocks, but fundamentals are expected to ...
Saturday, December 10, 2005
US Wheat Review on Friday: Ends lower on bearish USDA world data
December 10, 2005 US Wheat Review on Friday: Ends lower on bearish USDA world data U.S. wheat futures ended lower Friday on bearish U.S. Department of Agriculture global wheat crop and ending stocks data, with nearby Chicago Board of Trade ...
Friday, August 5, 2005
World wheat consumption to soar with FSU and EU feed use
August 5, 2005 World wheat consumption to soar with FSU and EU feed use 2005-06 world wheat consumption was expected at 614 million tonnes, an eight million tonnes rise from the year before and 23 million tonnes above the 5-year average, ac ...
Monday, August 1, 2005
IGC expects higher world wheat output for 2005-06
August 1, 2005 IGC expects higher world wheat output for 2005-06   The International Grains Council has revised its world wheat output for the 2005-06 crop year to 608 million tonnes, up four million tonnes from the June estimate. The incre ...
Monday, March 28, 2005
World trade in wheat raised by 2 million tonnes
March 28, 2005 World trade in wheat raised by 2 million tonnes World wheat trade for 2004-05 (June/July) has been forecast at 100.5 million tonnes, up by 2 million tonnes. Despite the upward revised revision, global wheat trade would remain ...
Monday, March 14, 2005
Wheat world markets and trade report
March 14, 2005 Wheat world markets and trade report The European Commission has raised wheat export subsidies from 4 to 6 to 8 to 10 euros in the past four weeks on licenses now covering about 1.2 million tonnes against the 2 million tonnes ...
Friday, November 26, 2004
IGC Table of World Wheat Output Estimates
November 26, 2004 IGC Table of World Wheat Output Estimates The following table shows the latest estimates for world 2004-05 wheat production from the London-based International Grains Council, released Thursday. (Table of IGC 2004-05 wheat ...
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Syrian Wheat Faces Keen Competition in World Market
November 18, 2004 Syrian Wheat Faces Keen Competition in World Market American, Australian and Canadian wheat are strong competitors for Syrian wheat in the world trade market. Wheat production in Syria doubles the consumption. According to ...
Friday, October 29, 2004
IGC Ups 2004-05 World Wheat Output By 2 Million MT To 617 Million MT
October 29, 2004 IGC Ups 2004-05 World Wheat Output By 2 Million MT To 617 Million MT Following is the updated world grain supply and demand forecast from the International Grains Council in its October monthly market review, released Thurs ...
Friday, October 29, 2004
IGC Table of 2004-05 World Wheat Output Estimates
October 29, 2004 IGC Table of 2004-05 World Wheat Output Estimates The following table shows the latest estimates for world 2004-05 wheat production from the London-based International Grains Council, released Thursday.   (Table of IGC 2004 ...

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