Monday, July 7, 2008
HQSM alters farmed tilapia taste with artificial flavouring chemicals
July 7, 2008   HQSM alters farmed tilapia taste with artificial flavouring chemicals     HQ Sustainable Maritime Industries (HQSM) is using artificial flavouring chemicals to make its farmed tilapia taste like wild-caught Pollock. HQSM sign ...
Friday, June 27, 2008
Carbon monoxide keeps tilapia fillets' muscle colour
June 27, 2008 Carbon monoxide keeps tilapia fillets' muscle colour Carbon monoxide can be utilised to retain the muscle colour of tilapia fillets, according to a new report from the University of Florida published in the Food Science Journa ...
Monday, June 23, 2008
Cage culture of tilapia
This article discusses the cage culture of tilapia.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
HQS to present tilapia products at seafood processing show (Press Release)
May 28, 2008 HQS to present tilapia products at seafood processing show Press Release HQ Sustainable Maritime Industries, Inc. has announced that the company will present its range of tilapia products at the 6th International Fisheries Seaf ...
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Malaysia's Perak state aims to be Southeast Asia's tilapia centre
April 29, 2008 Malaysia's Perak state aims to be Southeast Asia's tilapia centre The state of Perak in Malaysia is setting its sights to be Southeast Asia's centre for tilapia or cichlids, thanks to a joint venture between the state Agricul ...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Experts explore periphyton as alternative tilapia feed
April 23, 2008 Experts explore periphyton as alternative tilapia feed Aquaculture experts are exploring the promotion of periphyton growth as an alternate feed for tilapia. Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) researchers have found that tila ...
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
China's HQ Sustainable Maritime to present tilapia products to EU market
April 22, 2008 China's HQ Sustainable Maritime to present tilapia products to EU market The HQ Sustainable Maritime Industries, with operations in Hainan, China, has announced that it would present its tilapia products to the European marke ...
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Philippines disperses 3 million tilapia fingerlings to boost fish supply
April 17, 2008 Philippines disperses 3 million tilapia fingerlings to boost fish supply The Philippine Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) has dispersed more than 3 million tilapia fingerlings into freshwater farms and fishpond ...
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
HQ Sustainable Maritime to supply tilapia to fast food outlets
April 2, 2008 HQ Sustainable Maritime to supply tilapia to fast food outlets HQ Sustainable Maritime Industries, Inc., a Seattle-based fish processor with operations in Haina, China, said it received a large order for frozen tilapia from a ...
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Trinidad and Tobago looks to develop tilapia farm to reduce food prices
February 26, 2008 Trinidad and Tobago looks to develop tilapia farm to reduce food prices   Development of a proposed tilapia farm could help to reduce food prices, according to Arnold Piggott, Minister of Agriculture, Lands and Marine Affa ...
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Cagayan Valley emerges as tilapia capital in the Philippines
January 15, 2008 Cagayan Valley emerges as tilapia capital in the Philippines Tilapia production in Cagayan Valley is surging, reaching an all-time high, according to the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR). Hermogenes Tambalqu ...
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Hainan emerging as major exporter of Tilapia in China
November 15, 2007 Hainan emerging as major exporter of Tilapia in China China's island province of Hainan has emerged to be the second biggest exporter of tilapia after Guangdong. This was revealed by officials at the Fourth International T ...
Friday, October 12, 2007
UK study advocates breeding tilapia in barns
October 12, 2007 UK study advocates breeding tilapia in barns Farmers could utilise the unused space in their barns to grow tilapia as a way of supplementing their incomes, according to a study by the UK's Stirling University. The 3-year pr ...
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Thailand eyes Nile Tilapia as next major seafood export
September 19, 2007 Thailand eyes Nile Tilapia as next major seafood export Thailand has high potential in Nile Tilapia production, the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives said. Consumption of the fish is rising, especially in the US, E ...
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Rwanda starts tilapia cage studies
August 30, 2007 Rwanda starts tilapia cage studies Rwanda is embarking on a pilot fish cage study involving 10,000 young tilapia, the largest conducted in the nation so far. The tilapia, imported from Uganda, each weighs 30 grammes and are ...

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