Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Mexico's tilapia production outstrips that of shrimp
May 20, 2014   Mexico's tilapia production outstrips that of shrimp   Tilapia production in Mexico surpassed shrimp output by 30,000 tonnes last year, as shrimp harvests were decimated by early mortality syndrome (EMS), Undercurrent News re ...
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Europe's tilapia farm earns first Best Aquaculture Practices certification
May 8, 2014   Europe's tilapia farm earns first Best Aquaculture Practices certification     R.H. Ward (Welton) Ltd.'s The Fish Company, in the United Kingdom, is Europe's first tilapia farm to attain Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certif ...
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Regal Springs to supply 60% of fresh tilapia in US
March 11, 2014 Regal Springs to supply 60% of fresh tilapia in US Regal Springs, which holds about 8% market share of frozen tilapia market in the US (or 40 million pounds), estimates it will supply 60% of the fresh tilapia, about 36 millio ...
Friday, March 7, 2014
China's tilapia raw material prices rise due to cold weather
March 7, 2014 China's tilapia raw material prices rise due to cold weather   Raw material prices for tilapia out of China started climbing again in January and February this year after a lull at the end of 2013. In Zhanjiang area, western p ...
Monday, February 3, 2014
India expects US$112 million revenue from Nile tilapia farming
February 3, 2014 India expects US$112 million revenue from Nile tilapia farming India's Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA) has drawn out a plan to farm Nile tilapia (the Nilotics variety of tilapia) in Kerala and has ident ...
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
US demand pushes Chinese tilapia farmers to switch approach
January 28, 2014 US demand pushes Chinese tilapia farmers to switch approach   Chinese tilapia farmers are shifting their production methods to farm smaller fish in two cycles, as a result of demand from US retailers, said Jason Carter, the ...
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Vietnam's research centre exports tilapia broodstock to South America
December 19, 2013 Vietnam's research centre exports tilapia broodstock to South America   Vietnam's Tilapia Centre of Research Institute for Aquaculture No.1 (RIA1) under Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development exported 20,000 NOVIT 4 ...
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Brazil may invest US$107,860 in tilapia genetic improvement
December 18, 2013 Brazil may invest US$107,860 in tilapia genetic improvement Brazil's Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture (MPA) plans to invest BRL252,000 (US$107,860) in tilapia genetic improvement, a species whose production is growing ...
Thursday, July 25, 2013
India to kickstart genetically-improved tilapia farming in Kerala
July 25, 2013 India to kickstart genetically-improved tilapia farming in Kerala India's Kerala state government has accorded sanction for rearing genetically improved tilapia fish at Ponnani on conditional basis, in view of the Union govern ...
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Philippines conducts training on fish cage construction, tilapia farming
June 8, 2013 Philippines conducts training on fish cage construction, tilapia farming The Philippine's Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) conducted a five-day training course on fish cage construction and tilapia farming to 30 ...
Friday, January 11, 2013
Philippines to push for Red Nile Tilapia propagation
January 11, 2013 Philippines to push for Red Nile Tilapia propagation Following consumer preference for fish with such colour, a Philippine government programme is under way to push propagation of Red Nile Tilapia. This is according to the ...
Friday, December 14, 2012
China Tilapia production to benefit from organisational partnership
December 14, 2012 China Tilapia production to benefit from organisational partnership The Aquaculture Stewardship Council will be working with the China Aquatic Products Processing and Marketing Alliance (CAPPMA) and WWF China, on improving ...
Monday, December 10, 2012
Philippine tilapia gets back on track
With coinciding freak weather and feed inflation behind it, the country's most successful aquaculture line is poised to resume its decades long boom. Tilapia is inarguably a Philippine fish staple. Not a week goes by for an average Filipino ...
Friday, November 16, 2012
Zhanjiang Guolian Aquatic builds RMB230-million tilapia, shrimp processing lines
Zhanjiang Guolian Aquatic Products Co. Ltd. has started building its tilapia and shrimp processing lines in Guangdong, China under its latest tilapia project worth an estimated investment value of RMB230 million (US$36.8 million). The compa ...
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
New tilapia feeds to boost Ghanian aquaculture
October 9, 2012 New tilapia feeds to boost Ghanian aquaculture   Following the launch of feeds for tilapia by Cargill Ghana Limited, Ghana's aquaculture industry is set to see a major boost. AQUAXCEL® feed is designed for shrimp and fish. A ...

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