Monday, January 12, 2004
Import Duty Cuts No Effect On India Soyoil Prices
January 12, 2004 Import Duty Cuts No Effect On India Soyoil Prices Recent government cuts of the import duty on refined soyoil had no effect as prices remained largely unchanged from the previous week. "The reduction in the import duty on r ...
Monday, January 12, 2004
CBOT Soyoil Seen Supported By Decline In Stocks
January 12, 2004 CBOT Soyoil Seen Supported By Decline In Stocks The soyoil futures market at the Chicago Board of Trade should remain supported for the next several months given that supplies are projected to be very tight while demand for ...
Wednesday, December 31, 2003
Argentina's Oct Soyoil Exports Up 9.3%
December 31, 2003 Argentina's Oct Soyoil Exports Up 9.3% Argentina exported 322,889 metric tons of soyoil in October, 9.3% more than the 295,343 tons exported during the same month in 2002, the Agriculture Secretariat reported late Monday. ...
Thursday, December 18, 2003
China November Soybean Imports Fall as Soyoil Imports Rise
December 18, 2003 China November Soybean Imports Fall as Soyoil Imports Rise According to official customs data, China's soybean imports in November fell to 780,000 metric tons from 1.10 million tons. Traders said the November import figure ...
Wednesday, December 17, 2003
Turkey Soybean and Soyoil Review 2003
December 17, 2003 Turkey Soybean and Soyoil Review 2003 Turkey's MY2003 soybean area and production are now estimated at 15,000 hectares and 45,000 MT, representing a reduction in production of approximately fifty percent compared to last y ...
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
China Soyoil Buying To Slow in Next 1-2 Months
November 12, 2003 China Soyoil Buying To Slow in Next 1-2 Months   In the next one to two months, China's soyoil purchasing is expected to slow, due to the recent buying surge that will generate big imports in the current quarter, Hamburg-b ...
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
Monsanto Work Towards Improved Soybeans For Fat-Free Soyoil
October 28, 2003 Monsanto Work Towards Improved Soybeans For Fat-Free Soyoil   Monsanto Company announced yesterday it is planning to work on producing soybeans that will be lower in artery clogging saturated and trans- fats in response to ...
Friday, October 24, 2003
China Soyoil Prices Unlikely To Ease Despite Bean Imports
October 24, 2003 China Soyoil Prices Unlikely To Ease Despite Bean Imports The sharp rally in soyoil prices in China will likely continue in the near term as the current tightness in soybean supplies may take months to ease. Despite talk th ...
Friday, October 10, 2003
China Soybean, Soymeal, Soyoil Prices Surge to New Highs
October 10, 2003 China Soybean, Soymeal, Soyoil Prices Surge to New Highs China's soybean product markets surged to new highs in the first week after a week's long national holiday, due to reduced crush operations amid concerns over shortag ...
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
Iran's GTC On Tender To Buy 20,000 Tons Soyoil
September 17, 2003 Iran's GTC On Tender To Buy 20,000 Tons Soyoil The Government Trading Corporation of Iran (GTC) announced on Wednesday that it was tendering to buy 20,000 tons of soybean oil, FOB, for shipment in November. The GTC said o ...
Friday, August 29, 2003
China's Soyoil to Gain Next Week Amidst Soybean Supply Concerns
August 29, 2003 China's Soyoil to Gain Next Week Amidst Soybean Supply Concerns After steadily rising in the past week, Chinese soyoil prices will likely gain further next week, bolstered by concerns of limited soybean supplies, trade parti ...

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