Monday, January 8, 2024
Aviagen's EMEAA broiler school in Scotland, UK, enhances broiler management focus
Aviagen recently welcomed 33 students representing 18 countries to Edinburgh, Scotland, the United Kingdom, for the 2023 Aviagen® Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia (EMEAA) Production Management School Broiler Module, which took plac ...
Thursday, January 4, 2024
Aviagen opens ninth US hatchery in Longview, Texas
Aviagen announced an inauguration of a state-of-the-art poultry hatchery in Longview, Texas, the United States, on December 15, and has also seen a successful first parent stock shipment.
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Aviagen opens ninth US hatchery in Longview, Texas
Aviagen announced an inauguration of a state-of-the-art poultry hatchery in Longview, Texas, the United States, on December 15, and has also seen a successful first parent stock shipment.
Friday, December 8, 2023
Breeder management in focus at Aviagen European conference in Scotland, UK
Aviagen® European customers recently came together in Edinburgh, Scotland, the United Kingdom, on October 23-25 for the Breeder Focus Conference, the company said.
Monday, November 20, 2023
Aviagen Asia Pacific strengthen connections at Vietstock 2023 in Vietnam
The Aviagen® Asia Pacific team recently demonstrated its commitment to Vietnam's poultry market at the 11th edition of the Vietstock Expo and Forum, the country's premier feed, livestock and meat trade show.
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Aviagen distributor demonstrates to Sri Lankan poultry market that "Ross delivers"
Aviagen® marks a significant entry into the Sri Lankan poultry market, allying with valued distributor Pussalla to introduce top-quality Ross® 308 broiler breeding stock to local poultry producers, Aviagen said.
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Aviagen distributor demonstrates to Sri Lankan poultry market that "Ross delivers"
Aviagen® marks a significant entry into the Sri Lankan poultry market, allying with valued distributor Pussalla to introduce top-quality Ross® 308 broiler breeding stock to local poultry producers, Aviagen said.
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Aviagen's Ross Central Africa enhances customer support with meeting in Zambia
Ross® Central Africa (RCA), Aviagen's joint venture in Zambia, held its Breeder Distributor Customer Focus Team (DCFT) meeting in Lusaka, Zambia on October 3-6.
Monday, October 30, 2023
Aviagen presents 2023 Nick French award to Pas Reform incubation specialist
Aviagen announced a senior incubation specialist from Royal Pas Reform as the recipient of the company's Nick French award for 2023.
Friday, October 20, 2023
Aviagen Ross distributors gather for in-person meeting in Sapanca, Turkey
Ross® distributors from the Turkey, Middle East and Africa (TMEA) region joined a Ross TMEA customer support and specialist team in Sapanca, Turkey, on September 10-15, for the first face-to-face Distributor Customer Focus Team (DCFT) ...
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
JAS unveils new environmentally controlled holding rooms for Aviagen chicks at UK holding facility
Aviagen® and JAS Worldwide have maintained a close alliance for more than two decades, united in their goal to ensure the consistent availability of healthy breeding birds to poultry producers worldwide, while prioritising bird welfare ...
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Aviagen: Oman's Al Zain Poultry becomes Ross Broiler Executive Club Gold member
Al Zain Poultry Farms, a Ross® 308 customer from Oman, recently celebrated its positive broiler results and was made a Ross Broiler Executive Club Gold member, Aviagen announced.
Monday, October 9, 2023
JAS unveils new environmentally controlled holding rooms for Aviagen chicks at UK holding facility
Aviagen® and JAS Worldwide have maintained a close alliance for more than two decades, united in their goal to ensure the consistent availability of healthy breeding birds to poultry producers worldwide, while prioritising bird welfare ...
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Aviagen Asia Pacific achieves milestone with deployment of Remote Support System in Philippines
Aviagen® Asia Pacific has announced a significant milestone with the successful deployment of its revolutionary Remote Support System at selected farms and a hatchery in Mindanao, Philippines.
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Aviagen hosts students at 10th EMEAA Production Management Breeder School in Scotland, UK
Aviagen® recently welcome 36 students from 19 countries to Edinburgh, Scotland, the United Kingdom, for the 10th Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia (EMEAA) Production Management Breeder School held on August 27 - September 2.

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