Friday, September 28, 2007
US Wheat Outlook on Friday: Firmer on bullish USDA stocks, crop data
September 28, 2007 US Wheat Outlook on Friday: Firmer on bullish USDA stocks, crop data U.S. wheat futures are expected to start Friday's day session firmer on bullish, lower-than-expected government estimates for U.S. quarterly stocks and ...
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
USDA: Nearly half of Nebraska's corn crop is mature
September 19, 2007 USDA: Nearly half of Nebraska's corn crop is mature Nearly half of Nebraska's corn crop is mature and harvest has begun, helped by cool, dry conditions, the US Department Of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics ...
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
CBOT Soy Outlook on Wednesday: Seen up on supportive USDA crop report
September 12, 2007 CBOT Soy Outlook on Wednesday: Seen up on supportive USDA crop report Chicago Board of Trade soybean futures are seen starting Wednesday's day session on firm footing, bolstered by supportive U.S. Department of Agricultur ...
Monday, August 13, 2007
USDA releases August crop production, supply and demand
August 13, 2007 USDA releases August crop production, supply and demand The following table is provided in conjunction with the US Department of Agriculture's August world crop production and US supply and demand reports. US estimates are i ...
Friday, August 10, 2007
CBOT Corn Outlook on Friday: Down 1-3 cents after USDA crop production report
August 9, 2007 CBOT Corn Outlook on Friday: Down 1-3 cents after USDA crop production report Chicago Board of Trade corn futures are predicted to start daytime trading 1-to-3 cents lower Friday after the U.S. Department of Agriculture raise ...
Friday, August 10, 2007
CBOT Soy Review on Thursday: End mixed, awaiting USDA crop reports
August 10, 2007 CBOT Soy Review on Thursday: End mixed, awaiting USDA crop reports Chicago Board of Trade soybean futures ended mixed Thursday, with prices chopping around as traders made final preparations for Friday's crop production and ...
Thursday, May 10, 2007
USDA: Brazil to harvest record soybean crop of 58.2 million tonnes
May 10, 2007 USDA: Brazil to harvest record soybean crop of 58.2 million tonnes As one of the world's leading soy exporter, Brazil is seen to harvest 58.2 million tonnes or 2 million tonnes greater than last year, according to the data publ ...
Monday, April 2, 2007
ASA weekly: USDA reports planting intentions; Brazil closes Cargill's Amazon port; APHIS clarifies genetically engineered crop regulations
April 2, 2007 ASA weekly: USDA reports planting intentions; Brazil closes Cargill's Amazon port; APHIS clarifies genetically engineered crop regulations USDA planting intentions report   On Mar 30, USDA released its important first survey l ...
Monday, April 2, 2007
Big corn crop forecast by USDA may not curb prices
April 2, 2007 Big corn crop forecast by USDA may not curb prices Strong demand for ethanol and poor spring weather could keep corn prices high over the next few months, even though the government estimated Friday (Mar 30) that this year's c ...
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
USDA: Improved prospects for corn crops in South America
February 21, 2007 USDA: Improved prospects for corn crops in South America The US supply of feed grains for 2006-07 remained unchanged from the previous month but use was down marginally, says the USDA in its February feed report. Compared ...
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
USDA: Bumper US soybean crop; Argentine soy yield improves on favourable weather
January 23, 2007 USDA: Bumper US soybean crop; Argentine soy yield improves on favourable weather The USDA 2006 oil crops summary indicates that US soybean harvest rose to a record 3,188 million bushels in 2006, primarily on the strength of ...
Friday, January 12, 2007
CBOT Soy Outlook on Friday: Up 7-15 c on supportive USDA crop reports
January 12, 2007 CBOT Soy Outlook on Friday: Up 7-15 c on supportive USDA crop reports Soybean futures on the Chicago Board of Trade are seen starting Friday's day session sharply higher, buoyed by surprising crop data from the U.S. Departm ...
Friday, November 10, 2006
USDA raises forecast for US soybean crop to record 3.2 billion bushels
November 10, 2006 USDA raises forecast for US soybean crop to record 3.2 billion bushels The US will produce 3.204 billion bushels of soybeans for the 2006/07 marketing year, the US Department of Agriculture said Thursday (Nov 9) upon incre ...
Friday, September 29, 2006
USDA sees crop prices, farm costs lower in September
September 29, 2006 USDA sees crop prices, farm costs lower in September The All Farm Products Index of Prices Received by Farmers fell 1.7 percent in September, with crops down 5.6 percent, USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service sa ...
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
CBOT Corn Review on Tuesday: Down on larger USDA crop production
September 13, 2006 CBOT Corn Review on Tuesday: Down on larger USDA crop production Chicago Board of Trade corn futures finished lower Tuesday as the U.S. Department of Agriculture's larger-than-expected 2006-07 corn production figure press ...

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