Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Winner of US' United Soybean Board's challenge offers new approach to soymeal processing
The United States' United Soybean Board (USB), in partnership with the Yield Lab Institute, has announced Satavie as the winner of the 2023 Soy Innovation Challenge.
Monday, February 14, 2022
China's soymeal prices soar to record high prices, swine industry affected
China's soymeal prices on the Dalian Commodity Exchange rallied to its highest price on record after concerns rose over South America's drought-hit soybean crop and tightening meal supplies in local markets, Reuters reported.
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Indian experts discuss the recent opening of GM soymeal imports
High prices of feed raw materials have been the biggest concern for integrators, feed millers and farmers especially in India. With multiple meetings with government authorities, the industry has finally seen a ray of hope as the government ...
Monday, August 2, 2021
China Soymeal: Cautious mood curtails demand (week ended Aug 2, 2021)
Demand for soymeal was weak as hog farmers suffered substantial losses. Furthermore, feed producers were worried that the severe floods in Henan province, which produces about 10% of hog in China, would further weaken the demand for hog fee ...
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
China Soymeal: Ample supply, cautious demand (week ended Jun 28, 2021)
Over the week, prices of CBOT November soy futures closed lower by 3.3% compared with the previous week.
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
China Soymeal: Market strengthens despite cautious demand (week ended May 3, 2021)
Over the week, prices of CBOT July soy futures strengthened 1.2%.
Monday, March 1, 2021
Soymeal futures in China decline because of swine disease concerns
Soymeal futures in China declined 5%, the sharpest drop in eight years on February 26, as investors took profit and new African swine fever (ASF) outbreaks in the country resulted in concerns over demand, Reuters reported.
Monday, February 1, 2021
China Soymeal: High crushing rates, increased soy harvest projection weaken market (week ended Feb 1, 2021)
Over the week, prices of CBOT March soy futures rebounded 4.5% from the previous week's 7% plunge.
Monday, July 27, 2020
China Soymeal Weekly: Crushers' inventories dwindle rapidly amid strong demand (week ended Jul 27, 2020)
Anticipating soy harvests to be poorer than expected, buyers eagerly stockpiled inventories of soymeal. Inventories of crushers dwindled rapidly over the past two weeks. Some crushers reported that pre-orders were so strong that at least ha ...
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
China Soymeal Weekly: Prices consolidate lower on cautious demand (week ended Jun 22, 2020)
China held its second round of reserves soy auction on June 19. With demand robust, closing prices were high and the 47,579 tonnes offered were fully sold within minutes.
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
China Soymeal Weekly: Lacklustre demand, weak prices (week ended Jun 15, 2020)
Demand for soymeal remained soft while the sales of hog feed were limited. Meanwhile, new outbreaks of the Wuhan coronavirus in Beijing sparked fears that the second wave of the pandemic might have started in China. Buyers withheld buying a ...
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
China Soymeal Weekly: Market stable as crushers stand firm (week ended Jun 8, 2020)
Soymeal market stayed stable despite slow demand. As profits were low with prices plummeting 14% in two months, crushers were reluctant to cut prices further.
Thursday, April 4, 2019
China Soymeal Weekly: Cautious buying weighs on market (week ended Apr 1, 2019)
Following the recent week's upsurge, the demand for soymeal slackened as buyers turned cautious. Moreover, with the quantity of hog staying low despite the strengthening of prices, feed producers remained cautious in stockpiling soymeal inv ...
Monday, August 6, 2018
China can reduce soybean imports by using soymeal substitutes
China, the world's largest soybean importer, will have to resort to soymeal substitutes so it can reduce its soybean imports. These substitutes include meal from rapeseed, cotton seeds, sunflower seeds and palm kernels, according to industr ...
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
China Soymeal Weekly: Market weakens even as crushers halt price releases (week ended Jun 18, 2018)
Soymeal prices continued to fall in China although several crushers withheld price releases amid concerns of the trade war. Prices slid further as feed producers were not keen to stockpile inventories while feed sales were slow. Nonetheless ...

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