Monday, January 27, 2014
US soymeal exports hit record volume amid Argentina's peso plunge
January 27, 2014 US soymeal exports hit record volume amid Argentina's peso plunge US soymeal exports have reached a record amount last week, totalling 398,591 tonnes primarily exported to Asian destinations such as South Korea, Thailand an ...
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
China Soymeal Weekly: Lacklustre feed demand curtails sales (week ended Jan 17, 2014)
Feed demand, which shrank during December, continued to be slack as livestock markets performed poorly. While the cost of soy softened amid ample supply, crushers in several regions slashed soymeal prices further in a bid to stimulate deman ...
Thursday, December 19, 2013
US rapeseed meal, DDGs may become alternative to soymeal
December 19, 2013 US rapeseed meal, DDGs may become alternative to soymeal   Rapeseed meal or dried distiller grains with solubles (DDGS), by-products of ethanol production, may offer an economical alternative to soymeal in North American d ...
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Soymeal demand by US animal agriculture sector rises by one million tonnes
November 27, 2013 Soymeal demand by US animal agriculture sector rises by one million tonnes   In the 2011-12 marketing year, consumption of soymeal by the US animal agriculture sector increased by one million tonnes, according to a Soy Che ...
Monday, November 18, 2013
China Soymeal Weekly: Strong US prices lead to gains in China market (week ended Nov 15, 2013)
CBOT soy prices strengthened after the release of USDA's report, which revised up soy demand, leading to an increase in soymeal prices. Coupled with steady demand from the hog industry over the past week, China soymeal prices rose in most r ...
Monday, November 11, 2013
China Soymeal Weekly: Decline in China soymeal market slows following USDA report (week ended Nov 8, 2013)
With imports of soy expected to reach 12 million to 13 million tonnes in November and December, Chinese feed millers are still cautious about buying, thus curbing the upward momentum in the China's soymeal market. Meanwhile, South America i ...
Monday, November 4, 2013
China Soymeal Weekly: Soft US soy prices drag down China soymeal market (week ended Nov 1, 2013)
Amid the speculation of higher-than-expected production, US soy prices slipped by 2.6% from the previous week. In anticipation of an even weaker market, feed millers were withholding purchases and bought soymeal as and when required. Amid s ...
Monday, October 28, 2013
China Soymeal Weekly: More loss in soymeal market with US soy softening (week ended Oct 25, 2013)
With aquaculture gearing down, demand for feed, thus soymeal was falling short. Though broiler prices remained stable, inventory expansion stayed weak, which also reduced the demand for feed. As a result, China soymeal prices fell in most r ...
Friday, September 6, 2013
India's August soymeal exports rise on weak rupee, high Europe demand
Driven by weak rupee which made shipments more competitive as well as demand from Europe picked up, India's soymeal exports in August rose about three quarters from a month ago.
Monday, August 19, 2013
China Soymeal Weekly: Market strengthens following USDA report (week ended Aug 16, 2013)
Led by a strong US soy market, and increasing demand from the livestock and aquaculture industries, China soymeal market rebounded with prices rising in most regions. Average prices were up by 2.58% from the previous week. USDA reduced the ...
Monday, August 12, 2013
China Soymeal Weekly: Prices weighed down by US soy market (week ended Aug 9, 2013)
The downward-heading US soy market continued to put pressure on China soymeal market, where prices fell by an average of RMB31/tonnes, a drop of 0.8% from the previous week. The Chinese government started to sell reserved soy of 2010 on Aug ...
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Russia's June soymeal imports up 40%
Russia imported nearly 65,500 tonnes of soymeal in June 2013, up 40% or 18,800 tonnes compared with the previous month, but down only 4% compared with the maximum index of the current season in November 2012 of 68,400 tonnes. Almost all maj ...
Monday, July 22, 2013
China Soymeal Weekly: China soymeal prices fall in tandem with US soy market (week ended Jul 19, 2013)
China's soy imports continued to rise, with July's volume expected to hit 7.20 million tonnes. As inventory increased, oil crushers ramped up production and soymeal prices fell in most regions. The weakened US market also hurt prices. Despi ...
Monday, July 15, 2013
China rapeseed meal prices pushed up by soymeal market (week ended Jul 12, 2013)
Buttressed by tight supply, US soy and soymeal market advanced and futures market hit a nine-month high. Led by US market's strong performance, China soymeal market rallied and prices climbed by 3.06% over the past week. Buoyed by a strong ...
Monday, July 8, 2013
US may consider DDGs over soymeal due to soaring price
Buoyed by its soaring price, which hit a nine-month high this week, US dairy and livestock producers may consider investigating distillers' grains as an alternative to soymeal. Soymeal futures for July hit US$499.00 a short ton in Chicago t ...

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