Thursday, June 21, 2012
UK live pigs, pork prices down in May
The average retail price of fresh lean pork in the UK dipped 5.4% while the average wholesale price of live pigs in May was 13.6% down on October. Secretary for Food & Health Dr York Chow told legislators the price of chilled pork also decl ...
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
UK sells pigs to China
August 24, 2011 UK sells pigs to China After five years of negotiation, a deal was finally completed for the UK to send pigs to China, an idea that ranks up there with sending coals to Newcastle and snow to the Eskimos. China already raises ...
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
UK pigs number decline marginally in June
September 21, 2010 UK pigs number decline marginally in June In the provisional June 2010 census the total number of pigs in UK declined by almost 2% - mainly driven by a reduction in the number of fattening pigs of 2% year-on-year to 3.2 m ...
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
UK sees positive demand for spot pigs
May 11, 2010 UK sees positive demand for spot pigs     A weaker euro leads to cheaper pork imports from Europe, and UK pig farmers are hoping that commodity speculators are more concerned about the pound than the euro.   Prices took their c ...
Monday, July 27, 2009
UK releases preliminary results of AH1N1 in pigs
July 27, 2009 UK releases preliminary results of AH1N1 in pigs                               A British study recently showed that baseAd on three researches, the novel influenza A virus (H1N1) is transmittable in swine populations and earli ...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Ukraine cattle numbers down; pigs, poultry, goats up
June 25, 2009 Ukraine cattle numbers down; pigs, poultry, goats up                                The number of cattle in Ukraine on June 1 totalled 5.803 million a fall of 4.4 percent compared with June 1, 2008, the state statistics commit ...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Health service for pigs launched in UK regions
June 16, 2009 Health service for pigs launched in UK regions A health service for pigs aimed to chart the health of all pig herds and reduce common pig illnesses, is being launched in Yorkshire and Humberside. The new health service, which ...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Ukraine cattle numbers down; pigs, poultry, goats up
May 19, 2009 Ukraine cattle numbers down; pigs, poultry, goats up                            The number of cattle in Ukraine on May 1 totalled 5.759 million, a fall of 5 percent compared with May 1, 2008, the state statistics committee repo ...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
UK pigs show no signs of swine flu
April 28, 2009 UK pigs show no signs of swine flu      UK pigs are being monitored for any signs of swine flu to prevent further spreading of the disease said the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Monday (April 27).    "The ...
Monday, December 31, 2007
UK's ACMC announces AI re-branding to up performance in pigs
December 31, 2007 UK's ACMC announces AI re-branding to up performance in pigs ACMC announced the re-branding of the range of sires in its AI service to reflect improvements in pig genetic quality and health of the stock. The sires are all ...
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Oregano supplement for pigs and poultry to be marketed in the UK
October 23, 2007 Oregano supplement for pigs and poultry to be marketed in the UK Ropapharm International in the Netherlands has announced a new feed supplement based on oregano for the pig and poultry market in the UK To be marketed by GE ...
Monday, September 24, 2007
Low prices, expensive feed force desperate UK farmers to kill pigs
September 24, 2007 Low prices, expensive feed force desperate UK farmers to kill pigs Pig farmers are being forced to shoot livestock because they say low supermarket prices mean it is too expensive to feed them. Andrew Hemming, of the Farm ...
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
UK starts culling of pigs near FMD-infected area
September 19, 2007 UK starts culling of pigs near FMD-infected area Pigs on a farm near two areas with foot-and-mouth outbreaks would be culled, according to Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Authorities decided to ...
Thursday, June 14, 2007
More pigs, less cattle in Ukraine
June 14, 2007 More pigs, less cattle in Ukraine Ukraine's pig numbers has risen 10.4 percent compared to a year earlier to 8.4 million heads, the State Statistics Committee reported Wednesday (Jun 13). Meanwhile, poultry numbers remained st ...
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
UK's JSR Titan pigs make waves in Greece
May 23, 2007 UK's JSR Titan pigs make waves in Greece Britain's leading pig breeding company, JSR Genetics, are heading towards a good market in Greece with its well-bred pigs paving way for an expansion of its F-One Hellas franchise across ...

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