Thursday, August 4, 2011
Russia increases grain production forecast
August 4, 2011 Russia increases grain production forecast Russia's forecast for 2011 grain output has been revised from 92 million tonnes to 94 million tonnes, according to the head of the Russian Grain Union (RZS), Arkady Zlochevsky, on We ...
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Russia's grain production may be lower compared to forecasts
June 16, 2011 Russia's grain production may be lower compared to forecasts The National Union of Grain Producers forecasts that the general grain production in Russia may be lower compared to the planned volumes of 85 million tonnes. Pavel ...
Friday, April 1, 2011
Russia's grain production to hit 85 million tonnes
April 1, 2011   Russia's grain production to hit 85 million tonnes First deputy Prime Ministter, Viktor Zubkov, predicted that this year's grain production would reach 84-85 million tonnes in contrast to 60 million tonnes harvested in 2010. ...
Friday, December 31, 2010
Russia's grain production shows 37% decrease
December 31, 2010 Russia's grain production shows 37% decrease Russia's 2010 grain production decreased 37.3% on-year to 60.9 million tonnes net weight, above the previously expected 60.3-60.5 million tonnes, according to the Statistics Ser ...
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Russia's winter grain production surpasses spring grain volumes
December 30, 2010 Russia's winter grain production surpasses spring grain volumes For the first time in the history of Russia, in 2010, winter grain production volumes surpassed spring grain production volumes. According to the preliminary ...
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Russia's 2010 grain production to surpass local demand
September 23, 2010 Russia's 2010 grain production to surpass local demand Russia's 2010 grain resources will reach 90 million tonnes, 13 million more than the required domestic volume, Russian Agriculture Minister Yelena Skrynnik said on Tu ...
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Russia's grain production to reach 65 million tonnes
September 14, 2010   Russia's grain production to reach 65 million tonnes Grain production in Russia in 2010 will total 65.1 million tonnes, down 32.9% compared to grain production in 2009, according to the August forecast of WJ ProZerno. W ...
Friday, September 3, 2010
Russia's target for next year's grain production at 85 million tonnes
September 3, 2010 Russia's target for next year's grain production at 85 million tonnes To stabilise the situation, Russia needs to harvest 85-90 million tonnes of grain next year, Agriculture Minister Yelena Skrynnik told President Dmitry ...
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Russia sees 2011 grain production at over 80 million tonnes
August 31, 2010 Russia sees 2011 grain production at over 80 million tonnes Russia's grain production is expected to increase to more than 80 million tonnes next year after the recent drought cut this year's crop by a third, according to th ...
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Russia sees 38% decrease in grain production
August 10, 2010 Russia sees 38% decrease in grain production Grain production for Russia in 2010 may total just 60 million tonnes, or 38% less than last year, according to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. "According to the latest Agriculture ...
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Drought-hit Russia lowers grain production forecast
August 4, 2010 Drought-hit Russia lowers grain production forecast Russia has cut its 2010 grains crop forecast to 70-75 million tonnes from a previous forecast of less than 85 million tonnes as the drought spread to more regions. Deputy Ag ...
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Russia's grain production may decrease 26%
August 3, 2010 Russia's grain production may decrease 26% The country's grain production may fall 20-26% to 72-78 million tonnes in 2010 amid the worst drought in decades, according to Russian Grain Union president Arkady Zlochevsky. Russia ...
Monday, August 2, 2010
Grain production in Russia reaches new record
August 2, 2010 Grain production in Russia reaches new record Russia harvested 33 million tonnes of grain to July 29, an on-year increase of 1.6 million tonnes. According to country's agriculture ministry, the reason for the higher harvest s ...
Friday, July 30, 2010
Russian grain production may be less than 85 million tonnes
July 30, 2010 Russian grain production may be less than 85 million tonnes  Grain harvest for Russia this year is expected to be less than 85 million tonnes compared to 97 million tonnes last year, according to the forecast of the Agricultur ...
Monday, July 19, 2010
Russian grain production seen below 75 million tonnes
July 19, 2010 Russian grain production seen below 75 million tonnes As a severe drought advanced to new producing regions, SovEcon agricultural analysts revised their forecast for Russia's 2010 grain production further down to below 75 mill ...

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