Thursday, January 23, 2014
Russia's 2013-14 grain exports may surpass official forecasts
January 23, 2014 Russia's 2013-14 grain exports may surpass official forecasts Driven by large supplies of corn, Russia's grain exports are likely to exceed official forecasts in the 2013-14 marketing year, which lasts until the end of June ...
Monday, January 20, 2014
Russia's grain export up 25% at 16.4 million tonnes
January 20, 2014 Russia's grain export up 25% at 16.4 million tonnes   From the start of the agricultural year on July 1, 2013 to January 9, 2014, Russia exported 16.384 million tonnes of grain, a rise of 25.3% on-year, according to the cou ...
Monday, January 13, 2014
Russia's 2013 grain harvest up 30% on-year
Russia harvested 89.3 million tonnes of grain in clean weight during 2013, a 30% increase compared to 68.7 million tonnes in 2012, the national statistics agency, Rosstat, reported. According to the agency, wheat harvest in 2013 was 52.1 mi ...
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Russia's Jul-Dec grain exports up 18.7% on-year
Between July 1 and December 18, Russia's grain exports totalled 15.078 million tonnes, 18.7% more than in the corresponding period last year, the federal statistics service reported. Grain exports from December 1 through December 18 totalle ...
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Russia's grain crop reaches over 96 million tonnes on good weather
Due to better weather conditions, Russia's on-going grain harvest is producing higher yields which are now over 96 million tonnes, the agriculture ministry said. As of December 9, 96.2 million tonnes of grain was harvested on 42 million hec ...
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Russia's July to mid-Nov grain exports up 13.3% on-year
November 19, 2013 Russia's July to mid-Nov grain exports up 13.3% on-year   Between July 1 and November 13, Russia's grain export rose by 13.3% to 12.49 million tonnes on-year. The statistics service said grain exports during November 1-Nov ...
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Favourable weather lifts Russia's grain crop to over 92 million tonnes
November 13, 2013 Favourable weather lifts Russia's grain crop to over 92 million tonnes Due to better weather condition in 2013, Russia's grain-growing regions are continuing to post higher yields, with harvest now amounting to more than 9 ...
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Russia's grain exports up 13% on-year
November 13, 2013 Russia's grain exports up 13% on-year Data from the federal statistics service shows that Russia's grain exports rose 13% from a year earlier. Between July 1, the beginning of the current marketing year, and November 6, gr ...
Monday, October 21, 2013
Russia's October grain export to decline on weaker demand
October 21, 2013 Russia's October grain export to decline on weaker demand Due to rising competition with other exporters and weaker demand from traditional customers, Russia is expected to cut grain exports in October to between 2.6 millio ...
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan grain pool may materialise in six months
Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan could create a grain pool within six months, Ukrainian prime minister Mykola Azarov said at a joint press conference with Russian prime minister Dmitry Medvedev in Kaluga, Russia.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Russia's grain harvest rises despite smaller acreage
October 10, 2013 Russia's grain harvest rises despite smaller acreage   Boosted by better weather conditions, Russia's grain growing regions began this year's harvest with higher yields though the total harvested area is smaller. The agricu ...
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Russia's grain exports rise 14.2% to 7.872 million tonnes
September 26, 2013 Russia's grain exports rise 14.2% to 7.872 million tonnes   Between July 1 and September 18, Russia's grain exports totalled 7.872 million tonnes, 14.2% more than in the corresponding period last year. The federal statist ...
Monday, September 16, 2013
Russia's grain harvest reaches 68.4 million tonnes on good weather
September 16, 2013 Russia's grain harvest reaches 68.4 million tonnes on good weather   Due to better weather conditions, Russia's grain growing regions began this year's harvest with yields higher despite total harvested area is smaller. T ...
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Russia's Jul-Sep grain export up 20% on-year
September 11, 2013 Russia's Jul-Sep grain export up 20% on-year Between July 1 and September 4, 2013, Russia's grain export totalled 6.417 million tonnes, 20% more than in the corresponding period last year. During August, Russia's grain ex ...
Friday, September 6, 2013
Russia's August grain harvest up 13% on-year
September 6, 2013 Russia's August grain harvest up 13% on-year   As of August 30, Russia's grain harvest increased by 13% on-year to 60.7 million tonnes, according to a statement by the Agriculture Ministry. Farmers milled grain from 25.1 m ...

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