Monday, December 6, 2004
ADM to Expand Crushing at Szamotuly, Poland Facility
December 6, 2004 ADM to Expand Crushing at Szamotuly, Poland Facility Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) has announced its intention to increase capacity at its crushing and refining facility in Szamotuly, Poland. ADM also plans to build ...
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Poland Increases Dairy Sector On EU Accession
October 20, 2004 Poland Increases Dairy Sector On EU Accession Poland's dairy products exports and prices rapidly rose upon Poland's EU accession on May 1. This was stimulated by its comparatively low prices, elimination of TRQs with the EU ...
Monday, July 26, 2004
Poland 2004 Grain Harvest Seen 24.9-25.9 Million MT, Up 16-21%
July 26, 2004 Poland 2004 Grain Harvest Seen 24.9-25.9 Million MT, Up 16-21%   In its first estimate for the 2004 grain crop, Poland's government Central Statistical Office, or GUS, forecast a total harvest of between 24.9 million metric to ...
Tuesday, June 8, 2004
Poland's Mlekpol Bid To Gain Market Share In European Dairy Market
June 8, 2004 Poland's Mlekpol Bid To Gain Market Share In European Dairy Market Mlekpol, the biggest dairy company in Poland, plans to spend zł.50 million on investments in 2004 and increase the value of its sales by zł.400 million. The com ...
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Poland Eases Corn, Soy Import Regulations
April 28, 2004 Poland Eases Corn, Soy Import Regulations Poland has relaxed its phytosanitary regulations as part of its entry into the European Union, allowing for the possible import of soybeans, wheat and corn from nations previously qua ...
Thursday, February 12, 2004
Poland Corn Output Expected To Hit 600,000 Tons in 2004
February 12, 2004 Poland Corn Output Expected To Hit 600,000 Tons in 2004 Based on recent developments, the current MY corn and wheat PSDs have been adjusted to reflect changing import levels. Corn imports are rising while wheat (mostly fee ...
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Poland Bans US Poultry Imports On Bird Flu Fears
February 10, 2004 Poland Bans US Poultry Imports On Bird Flu Fears Poland joined some Asian countries in introducing a ban on imports of live poultry, eggs and poultry meat and products from the U.S., following the outbreak of avian influen ...
Wednesday, February 4, 2004
BASF To Consider New Lysine Plant In Poland
February 4, 2004 BASF To Consider New Lysine Plant In Poland BASF is looking into the possibilities of constructing a lysine plant in Pulawy's industrial park in Poland. This could be a huge investment, as the substance used in the producti ...
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Poland Bans Poultry Imports From Thailand, Vietnam
January 27, 2004 Poland Bans Poultry Imports From Thailand, Vietnam Poland will introduce a ban on imports on live poultry, eggs and poultry meat and products from Thailand and Vietnam, where some 12 people are believed to have died from th ...
Monday, January 26, 2004
Poland Lifts US Beef Ban
January 26, 2004 Poland Lifts US Beef Ban Poland is the first country to lift its ban on U.S. beef following the discovery of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or mad-cow disease, December 23. Poland's ban only lasted from January 15 to Jan ...
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
9th BSE Case Confirmed in Poland
November 19, 2003 9th BSE Case Confirmed in Poland A new case of mad cow disease was confirmed, bringing the total number of cattle infected with the disease in Poland to nine, Poland's chief veterinarian Piotr Kolodziej said on Monday. The ...
Monday, November 10, 2003
EC Warns Poland to Bring Food Safety Standards In Line with EU Regulations
November 10, 2003 EC Warns Poland to Bring Food Safety Standards In Line with EU Regulations The Polish government has recently received a warning letter from the European Commission, saying that the country must do more to bring food safet ...
Friday, October 24, 2003
Overview of Poland's Higher Milk Output 2003
October 24, 2003 Overview of Poland's Higher Milk Output 2003 Executive Summary Poland's fluid milk production is expected to increase one percent in 2003 as a result of increasing milk yields.  In 2003, higher output of milk is expected to ...
Thursday, July 24, 2003
US Exports Of Beef, Pork And Poultry Meat Faces Ban After Poland Joins EU
July 24, 2003 US Exports Of Beef, Pork And Poultry Meat Faces Ban After Poland Joins EU In 2003, the U.S. is expected to remain a major supplier of beef tripe to Poland as well as small amounts of high quality beef steaks and pork hams for ...

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