Friday, October 10, 2003
Holland Implements Better Classification of Pigmeat
October 10, 2003 Holland Implements Better Classification of Pigmeat The Dutch pigmeat industry wants to supply its customers with safe products of consistently high quality. The Dutch IKB quality system for pigmeat guarantees safe and reli ...
Thursday, October 9, 2003
British Agri Insurance Refuse to Insure GM Crops
October 9, 2003 British Agri Insurance Refuse to Insure GM Crops Major British agricultural insurance companies has decided not to insure farmers who intend to grow genetically modified crops, the London Telegraph said Wednesday. The news d ...
Thursday, October 9, 2003
Future of GM Crops in China Remain Uncertain
October 9, 2003 Future of GM Crops in China Remain Uncertain The future of genetically modified crops in China remains uncertain. China's biotech industry has burgeoned against a backdrop of increasing global speculation on the health and s ...
Tuesday, October 7, 2003
Brazil's Legalization of GM Soy
October 7, 2003 Brazil's Legalization of GM Soy The lifting of the ban on GM soybeans does not mean Monsanto's RoundUp Ready soybeans will spread across Brazil next year. The decree applies only to the 2003-04 crop, the planting of which st ...
Monday, October 6, 2003
GMO Ban Probably be Removed by EU before the End of 2003
October 6, 2003 GMO Ban Probably be Removed by EU before the End of 2003 The European Union could begin to lift its five-year de facto ban on most genetically modified organisms (GMOs) before the end of this year, says the European Union's ...
Friday, October 3, 2003
EU Raises Forecast on Pigmeat Prices
October 3, 2003 EU Raises Forecast on Pigmeat Prices The European Union's Pigmeat Management Committee has released revised forecasts for the third and fourth quarters of this year. The new data reveals tighter than expected supplies during ...
Wednesday, October 1, 2003
EU Urges Lifting Of Ban On GM Crops
October 1, 2003 EU Urges Lifting Of Ban On GM Crops Franz Fischler, the EU farm commissioner, has urged EU member states to lift their five-year suspension on GM crops which is currently being challenged on legal grounds by the US and other ...
Thursday, September 25, 2003
British Still Sceptical Of GMOs
September 25, 2003 British Still Sceptical Of GMOs The UK public remains dead set against GM crops and food, results of a survey released Wednesday show. Over half (54 percent) of some 36,557 respondents reject the notion of having GM seeds ...
Thursday, September 25, 2003
Brazil To Allow Planting Of GMO Soybeans
September 25, 2003 Brazil To Allow Planting Of GMO Soybeans After a long standing debate on whether Brazil should allow GM crops to be planted on its soil, the country looks set to give the thumbs up to biotechnology with a presidential dec ...
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
New Zealand Should Not Fully Embrace GMOs Yet
September 24, 2003 New Zealand Should Not Fully Embrace GMOs Yet New Zealand should delay the commercial usage of generically engineered crops or its "clean, green image" might be at stake, results from a recent survey said. A survey of 17 ...
Monday, September 22, 2003
UK To Approve GM Use
September 22, 2003 UK To Approve GM Use The British government is giving the nod to commercial cultivation of genetically modified (GM)crops in the country, while abolishing GM-free zones. Letters between senior ministers revealed that the ...
Friday, September 19, 2003
French Maize Farmers For GM
September 19, 2003 French Maize Farmers For GM French maize farmers will be quick to adopt new genetically modified (GM) strains as soon as the European Union law grant access, officials from the main growers' association said on Thursday. ...
Thursday, September 18, 2003
China Rejects Non-GMO Brazil Soy Cargo
September 18, 2003 China Rejects Non-GMO Brazil Soy Cargo A Chinese crusher had cancelled one cargo of non-GMO (genetically-modified) soybeans from Brazil Thursday due to payment complications "We gave up the cargo as we cannot agree with t ...
Monday, September 15, 2003
Japan Still Likely To Buy US Wheat after GMO Planting
September 15, 2003 Japan Still Likely To Buy US Wheat after GMO Planting   Japanese consumers are accustomed to U.S. wheat. They like the end products derived from U.S. wheat. And some traders say the commercialization of genetically modifi ...
Friday, September 12, 2003
Brazil Soy State Pushes For Emergency GMO Rules
September 12, 2003 Brazil Soy State Pushes For Emergency GMO Rules With only 20 days to go until soy planting starts and rules governing the use of gene-modified soy still unclear, farmers in southern Brazil are clamoring for the government ...

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