Friday, September 12, 2003
Significant Changes in the Livestock Sector in European Union
September 12, 2003 Significant Changes in the Livestock Sector in European Union The EU is on the verge of possibly seeing significant changes in the livestock sector resulting from 4 main factors. First, farmer's outlook for the 2004/2005 ...
Wednesday, September 3, 2003
Cost of Organic Eggs in Europe Moves Up
September 3, 2003 Cost of Organic Eggs in Europe Moves Up Shoppers face a 70p rise in the price of a dozen organic eggs because of new EU rules, producers warned on Sept 1. Regulations due to be phased in from November will ban artificial f ...
Thursday, August 14, 2003
Amendments To Draft Regulation On Feed Additives By European Parliament Environment Committee
August 14, 2003 Amendments To Draft Regulation On Feed Additives By European Parliament Environment Committee The European Parliament Environment Committee backed plans to form a list of authorized additives for animal feeds, as well as pha ...
Tuesday, July 22, 2003
Methionine Prices Stable in Quiet European Market
July 22, 2003 Methionine Prices Stable in Quiet European Market Market prices were stable in the quiet European methionine market. For deliveries in 25 kg bags packaging, market prices were ranging from Euro 2.35 /kg to euro 2.40 /kg. For b ...
Tuesday, July 22, 2003
Limited Chinese-Origin Lysine Seen in Europe
July 22, 2003 Limited Chinese-Origin Lysine Seen in Europe In the European lysine market, traders and producers were offering products for immediate deliveries at prices ranging from Euro 1.94 /kg to Euro 1.98 /kg. Feed millers were reporte ...
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
Methionine Prices in European Methionine Market Stable
July 16, 2003 Methionine Prices in European Methionine Market Stable The European methionine market is reported to be stable with powder methionine deals continued to be concluded at around Euro 2.30 / kg. Bulk purchases for August / Septem ...
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
Little Market Activity in European Lysine Market
July 16, 2003 Little Market Activity in European Lysine Market There was hardly any market activity in the European lysine market. Most feed millers are sufficiently bought up to at least early September. Prices generally hover at around Eu ...

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