Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Austria fails to win EU support for GM corn ban
October 31, 2007 Austria fails to win EU support for GM corn ban Austria failed Tuesday (October 30) to win enough support among European Union countries to keep in place a ban on genetically modified corn, which should allow the 27-nation ...
Friday, October 26, 2007
EU approves two GM corn for feed and processing
October 26, 2007 EU approves two GM corn for feed and processing   The European Union Commission approved two biotech corn products for food, feed, import and processing. The two products were jointly developed by DuPont and Dow AgroScience ...
Monday, October 1, 2007
EU ministers block GM corn entry
October 1, 2007 EU ministers block GM corn entry Agriculture ministers from ten countries in the European Union have rejected the approval of three genetically modified varieties of corn for use on the European market. The products, however ...
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Argentina bypasses EU by tracking GM corn
September 27, 2007 Argentina bypasses EU by tracking GM corn Argentina will trace corn grown from a recently approved transgenic bundled trait to avoid shipping grain to the European Union. EU did not approve the trait. "Providers or distri ...
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Finland to vote GM corn use in EU
September 25, 2007 Finland to vote GM corn use in EU Finland's Cabinet Committee on European Union Affairs has decided that it will support allowing three varieties of GMO corn to be used for food and feed in the EU. The EU countries will d ...
Thursday, April 19, 2007
EU to discuss approval of GM corn and beet applications
April 19, 2007 EU to discuss approval of GM corn and beet applications   Biotech experts belonging to the European Union's 25 national governments will discuss and vote three applications to approve new genetically modified (GMO) corn hybri ...
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
EU ministers uphold Hungary's right to ban Monsanto's GM corn
February 21, 2007 EU ministers uphold Hungary's right to ban Monsanto's GM corn European Union environment ministers Tuesday (Feb 20) upheld Hungary's right to ban a genetically modified strain of corn made by Monsanto Co, a European Commis ...
Monday, January 16, 2006
EU authorises three types of Monsanto GM corn
January 16, 2006 EU authorises three types of Monsanto GM corn The EU Friday cleared three types of GM corn made by Monsanto for use in the single market. Two types of corn will be used for food and food ingredients and the third mainly wil ...
Friday, November 4, 2005
EU allows GM corn's import for feed
November 4, 2005 EU allows GM corn's import for feed   The European Commission (EC) said it has authorised a GM corn known as 1507 to be imported as animal feed. 1507 was jointly developed by Pioneer Hi-Bred International, a subsidiary of D ...
Friday, September 23, 2005
European acceptance of GM corn still controversial
September 23, 2005 European acceptance of GM corn still controversial   According to industry reports, farmers in five EU countries have started growing GM corn on a commercial scale. France, Germany, Portugal and the Czech Republic expecte ...
Thursday, September 22, 2005
EU fails to reach consensus regarding approval of GM corn
September 22, 2005 EU fails to reach consensus regarding approval of GM corn The EU Agriculture Council has failed to reach a consensus regarding the approval of Pioneer Hi-Bred International's GM corn, known as 1507, for import, processing ...
Friday, September 16, 2005
EU to consider approval for two new GM corn
September 16, 2005 EU to consider approval for two new GM corn EU officials said they would debate on approving the use of two new GM corn soon. One GM corn is a Monsanto hybrid between MON 863 and MON 810. MON 863 was resistant towards cer ...
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
EU agrees to GM corn import for animal feed use
August 10, 2005 EU agrees to GM corn import for animal feed use The EC authorized on Aug 10 the import and marketing of a GM corn for animal feed use in the EU. The EC authorization, valid for the next ten years, came amidst opposition from ...
Friday, July 22, 2005
EU approves GM corn import and use
July 22, 2005 EU approves GM corn import and use   Europe's food safety regulator European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has approved a number of GM products for use within the EU. These products include Monsanto's MON863 x MON810 x NK603 co ...
Friday, September 10, 2004
Brussels Clears GM Corn In EU-25 Fields
September 10, 2004 Brussels Clears GM Corn In EU-25 Fields   For the first time in Europe's history, and in the face of strong opposition, European countries will be able to grow GM maize in their fields as Brussels waves through a biotech ...

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