December 24, 2008

Hormel Foods supports US pork quality assurance programme


US-based food and meat producer, Hormel Foods took the lead to endorse the Pork Quality Assurance® (PQA®) programme developed by the US National Pork Board by requiring producer participation.


As evidence of that commitment, the company has announced that all hogs it buys by Dec 31, 2009, will be raised by pork producers and their employees who are certified in the PQA Plus® programme. In addition, the company now asks all producers, employees of producers and individuals who transport hogs to the company to have Transport Quality Assurance® (TQA®) certification.


The Transport Quality Assurance® (TQA®) certification requires that each site that is delivering hogs to Hormel Foods must achieve site status to provide hogs to the company. This process includes an on-farm assessment of care and well-being principles.


National Pork Board's PQA Plus® programme is a three-pronged process, which includes attending an educational and training session as well as an on-farm site evaluation to achieve PQA Plus® site status. The programme also includes a third component of random, third-party audit of available sites.

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