December 17, 2008


EU experts develop method to quantify phytase products


The European Feed Additives and Premixtures Association (FEFANA) phytase experts in collaboration with the Community Reference Laboratory for feed additives (CRL) have developed a method to quantify phytase products in feed samples.


Different methods have been used to determine phytase activity in feed samples and other matrixes so far.


The use of phytase enables the mono-gastric animals to digest the phytate phosphorus contained in the plant feed materials and enables the reduction of phosphorus content in feed.


Phytase experts have also developed an ISO method for phytase determination in feed samples.


The method is based on the fact that inorganic phosphate is released from the substrate phytate under defined experimental conditions and has been validated for its suitability to measure the enzyme activity of various phytase products.


The method will allow the analysis of all currently EU authorised phytases in feed samples and other matrixes.


It is reaching final EU and international standardisation stage at the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN).

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