Rains between the period of Nov 27 to Dec 1 have increased corn and wheat harvests in Argentina, but overall crops for 2008/2009 are still falling short due to earlier negative weather conditions.
The USDA has revised its wheat production forecast for Argentina to 11 million tonnes for 2008/2009 owing to negative factors such as a long drawn out drought and a series of serious frosts.
In addition, in central northern and western Buenos Aires and Entre Rios provinces, it is estimated that 300,000 hectares of wheat fields were not harvested and went instead to the planting of soy that were planted in November 2008.
The revised overall wheat yield is 2.56 million tonnes per hectare.
As for corn, the USDA forecast for average corn yields is at 7.2 million tonnes per hectare.
For the full USDA report please click here