December 9, 2011
Bankruptcy petition file against EGJ Invest
A petition of bankruptcy has been filed against EGJ Invest, the parent company behind one of Denmark's biggest pig farmers.
EGJ Invest, which is owned by Esper Goul Jensen has amassed a bank debt of DKK232.6 million (US$41.7 million) and recorded losses of DKK911 million (US$163 million) over the last two years.
EGJ Invest has dealings with a number of banks including Fjordbank Mors, Jyske Bank, Andelskassen Midtvest, Sparekassen Himmerland, Finansbanken, Sparbank, Sydbank and Vestfyns Bank. Fjordbank Mors filed a bankruptcy petition against a number of Esper Goul Jensen's other companies in November.