December 8, 2011
Russian grain exports to rise twofold by 2026-2031
Russia may double its grain export in the next 15-20 years by raising the yield indices and involvement of unused agricultural area in crop rotation, said Alexander Soloviev, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.
According to Soloviev, in particular, active development of land melioration will contribute to reduction of risks from adverse weather conditions.
He said that in the present agricultural year (July 2011 - June 2012) supplies of Russian grains on the world market will total at least 25 million tonnes, which will be the record during recent years. The Deputy Minister stressed that increasing of production and export volumes of grains is one of the strategic directions of development of the agricultural industry in the long run.
Soloviev also noted that for the government plans construction of transshipment facilities, including ones in the Far East. He said that countries of the Asian-Pacific region are one of the promising areas of Russian grain exports, which show the steady increase in consumption of grains. To enter these markets the Government plans to increase grain production in Siberia and build new port facilities in the Far East, he said.