December 1, 2016
Cobb hosts Brazilian delegation in China

In November Cobb hosted a Brazilian delegation in China.
The delegates were José Carlos Zancheta from Zanchetta Alimentos, Rodrigo Rotta from Granja Real, Luis Carlos Farias from Aurora, and Marcio Nogueira Rivelli from Rivelli. The group were led by Jairo Arenazio, General Manager of Cobb South America and Gustavo Wassermann, Director of Operation, Cobb South America.
The group visited Cobb Asia Pacific's Office in Shanghai where Pelayo Casanovas, General Manager gave the team a presentation on Asian poultry markets with an emphasis on the China market. "The good news is in the next decade, 40% of the world's poultry growth will come from Asia and 30% from South America. By the end of the next decade, poultry production will surpass pork production."
During the subsequent days, the group visited two poultry operations in China.
The group also visited retail markets in Shanghai to understand poultry consumption in Shanghai.
"China and Brazil have many similarities regarding market conditions and management of poultry business," Jairo commented. "We really learned a lot and enjoyed the visit and we look forward to having more interaction between Asia and South America regarding poultry production."