Malaysia's Fisheries Department confident of getting EU's approval on seafood
Seafood products from Malaysia could make its way back into the European Union (EU) by March, said Fisheries Department deputy director Suhaili Lee.
He said auditors from the EU were expected to arrive early next year to check fishermen's ports, vessels and seafood farms. They have indicated to the EU that we are well-prepared.
Suhaili said the department was confident that aquaculture farms, seafood processing companies and their facilities had met the standards set by the agriculture audit authorities of the EU.
He said experts from the Food and Agriculture Organisation were in Malaysia since July to assist seafood producers on how to handle products meant for export.
Seafood producers were advised to maintain quality and safety of their products. Their fishing vessels have now been equipped with proper toilet facilities and wash basins to ensure fishermen stay clean before and after handling fish.
Suhaili said exports from aquaculture farming have also been assured safety and cleanliness. He said additional personnel would be deployed to monitor aquaculture farms, landing jetties and to examine the export samples.
We will only endorse seafood products which meet the export requirements to prevent any untoward incidents, Suhaili added.
He said the Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Ministry and Health Ministry were helping to monitor the quality of marine products.
Early this year, the EU restricted import of Malaysian seafood products after failing its health standards.