November 30, 2016
FAMI-QS to hold workshop in Thailand
To enhance better understanding of the role of third party certification in feed and food safety and the role of FAMI-QS, a one-day workshop on March 16, 2017 in Bangkok, Thailand will be organised.
Today feed business operators' operational activities take place in a rather complex legal and business environment. Third Party Certification (TPC) against a feed safety scheme has become an important feature for the feed sector. As far as the specialty feed ingredients sector is concerned, FAMI-QS in particular, is becoming an important tool in supporting market access, at a global level.
Besides its market value, a credible/accredited Third Party Certification could also be a useful tool in the hands of competent authorities, regarding for e.g., the planning of official controls or 'granting' market access to products or operators. Third Party Certification is not meant to substitute the responsibilities of competent authorities, but has been increasingly recognised by a number of them as an important element, which not only supports their enforcement role, but can also help set state-of-the-art practices at a global level and, as such, facilitate understanding and exchanges worldwide.
For more details on the workshop and to register, please visit