November 23, 2011


Ukraine harvests 2011 record grains of over 55 million tonnes 



Ukraine has reaped a record grain harvest of over 55 million tonnes, one third above last year's, and up two million tonnes against the previous record in 2008, stated Prime Minister Mykola Azarov last Saturday (Nov 19).


In particular, the Prime Minister said that Ukrainian agrarians achieved these results not only by increasing of own sowing areas, but also by increasing of the average yield, receiving the results of 36 c/ha against 28 c/ha last year.

According to him, the influence of environmental factors on grain yield in the modern conditions of agricultural production totals nearly 30%. Usage of high-quality seed varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops, compliance with scientifically-based crop rotations give approximately the same indices.

Establishment of other innovative technologies in the agrarian sector provides even more than one third of additional grain yield per hectare. For example, the genetic potential of new varieties of spring barley of domestic selection reaches the level of 70 c/ha, winter wheat - 110 c/ha, corn - 140 c/ha.

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