November 20, 2008

Guangdong seen to produce 4.06 million tonnes of meat in 2008


Guangdong, a southern province in China, is expected to produce 4.06 million tonnes of meat this year, up 5.2 percent on-year.


Pig volume for slaughter is seen to increase 5 percent to 33.75 million.


In the first three quarters of 2008, Guangdong produced 2.8 million tonnes of meat, up 5.9 percent on-year. Pig volume for slaughter increased 6.5 percent to 23.86 million, with sow volume for storage rising 18 percent to 2.46 million.


Guangdong is expected to ensure land for pig husbandry, improve land utilisation, and promotion large scale breeding. It will establish information management and precautionary system for stock breeding to adjust production, and increase production of pig husbandry, said Xie Yuexin, director of the Department of Agriculture of Guangdong.


Guangdong will also strengthen information communication and cooperation for animal disease, set up disease areas to improve prevent and control level, and establish agricultural product market access system.

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