November 17, 2011
NIBULON opens new grain elevator in Ukraine
NIBULON announced the opening of its new elevator complex for shipment of grain and oilseeds in the village of Velyki Korovynts, Ukraine on November 15 (Tue).
Construction, which started in August, was completed by more than 50 construction companies from all over Ukraine, NIBULON said.
NIBULON said that the elevator construction has become a landmark for it, because it marked the recovery of the company's investment project. This became possible due to the constructive position of regional and local authorities.
The elevator complex in Velyki Korovyntsi marks a new stage of development for the company and the Ukraine. NIBULON said the elevator is the most advanced technological facility in the region. Given its proximity to farmers, the elevator will help them reduce the cost of the logistical component and increase the profitability of domestic production. NIBULON said that the real benefit that farmers will receive from the new facility is an increase of profit by UAH50 (US$6.23) per one tonne of grain.