October 30, 2008


US pork exports to Russia jump 174 percent on-year

US pork exports to Russia soared 174 percent on-year to 141.4 thousand tonnes in volume, and up 177 percent to US$302 million in value, according to US Foods report, based on USDA data.


According to the data, Russia imported more than 28,000 tonnes of pork valued at US$61.9 million in August 2008.


Total quota volume for supply of frozen pork to Russia this year amounts to 493.5 thousand tonnes, where 249.3 thousand tonnes were distributed to the EU while the US received only 49.8 thousand tonnes.


Russia is currently unable to meet domestic pork demand in full, therefore Russian meat processors would need imported meat despite the tariff quotas and volumes, according to Philip Seng, president of US Meat Export Federation (USMEF).

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