October 29, 2008
NuPro: Unleashing more potentials in feed
The combination of cost efficiency and productivity has always been a challenge for livestock and feed producers. For this reason, global animal health firm Alltech has been aggressively pursuing innovations to meet farmers' needs and its latest merchandise to do so is NuPro, a plant-based feed additive, which in recent studies, have found to produce good results for poultry, swine and aquaculture species.
NuPro is a natural yeast-based protein source containing highly concentrated levels of essential and functional nutrients which is recommended for piglet and poultry diets. The product has been Alltech's major frontliners and has been on the market for eight years but what makes it novel is its new findings that brought the product to a whole new level. "NuPro now makes better enzyme secretion, allowing animals to grow much closer to its potential. NuPro makes market weight faster at a lower overall cost of production," says Dr. Paul Groenewegen, NuPro's Global Manager during his recent visit in Manila. He reveals that in every amount of NuPro for broiler formulation, the birds reach heavier weight in the same number of days. On the other hand, Groenewegen there has been less scouring and better enzyme digestibility for swine. For aquaculture, NuPro has increased palatability of the feed diet, improved feed efficiencies, improved health status as well as overall productivity and performance.
NuPro's yeast source is not genetically modified and is easily traceable, drowning worries on safety, says Groewenegen. "But more than that, NuPro is more than just protein, it contains all the elements that help animals reach target specific levels of growth." NuPro is also rich in nucleotides or building blocks that are commonly used in infant formula to boost immune system and aid digestion; inositol for faster growth, efficient feed conversion and protects against anaemia and anorexia; glutamic acid which improves palatability, hence, enhancing palatability; amino acids and peptides which makes digestion and protein nutrition absorption easier.
For more of the product, please visit www.alltech.com